Monday, September 30, 2019

The importance of a child centred approach Essay

Essential to safeguarding and encouraging the welfare of a child or young person is having a child’s centred approach. This could include seeing and keeping a child focused through difficulties they could be experiencing. Listening and ascertaining a child’s wishes and feelings will be important for the child, especially if they have formed a strong bond with the professional they are opening up to. It will also be imperative to a child if that professional close to them understands their daily lives and what they might be experiencing, no matter how hard it could be for the adult to hear. Crucially the child or young person will know there are people out there to help and support them when they need advice or guidance. Effective communication is important in the work setting as it ensures the information you are giving is correct and informative, this means there will be no possibility of mistakes being made. Nothing could be done consistently without the use of effective communication. To communicate effectively you need to make sure the right message is being sent to whom you are communicating with. The individual needs to understand the message you are putting across to be able to build relationships. These relationships will gain trust from the children, parents and colleagues. This will also develop your place in the work setting. As a child care worker I could not do my job properly without communicating with the children, their parents or my work colleagues. The needs of the child have to be met by using effective communication whether this is through speech or non-verbal communication e.g. body language or behaviour.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hesi Topics

Potential Community Health HESI Topic Areas These are some additional areas you may want to considering being familiar with: Ancathosis nigricans A skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. Most often, acanthosis nigricans affects your armpits, groin and neck. There's no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans † but treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, may cause the changes in your skin changes to fade Characteristics of acanthosis nigricans include: Skin changes. Skin changes are the only signs of acanthosis nigricans.You'll notice dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases † typically in your armpits, groin and neck. Sometimes the lips, palms or soles of the feet are affected as well. Slow progression. The skin changes appear slowly, sometimes over months or years. Possible itching. Rarely, the affected areas may itch. Acanthosis nigricans is often associated with conditions that increa se your insulin level, such as type 2 diabetes or being overweight. If your insulin level is too high, the extra insulin may trigger activity in your skin cells. This may cause the characteristic skin changes.Question pertained to nurse checking for lice and noticing dark patch of skin on neck. Advisor role Antepartum – risk factors Anthrax incubation and exposure Assess trends and patterns Assessing income Assessment – validation Assignments – home care; Make sure students know how to prioritize home health clients (i. e. which ones to see/call back first. ) When given the choice between a patient with COPD who is short of breath, a terminally ill pt who refuses to eat or drink, or a pt with congestive heart failure who has gained 3 lbs, choose the last one.Asthma triage Battering-communication If the question pertains to a nurse suspecting a female patient has been abused and the woman has her child in the room with her, the nurse should ask the child to leave the room and question the woman about the abuse. The question does not pe rtain to the child being abused. Breast cancer-risk (who is at greatest risk) Calculate rate – population COBRA-cost (client still has to pay for expenses) When the question asks what would be a concern for a person who has lost their Job but has COBRA, the answer is paying for health care/expenses.Communicable disease (pertussis) Community – assessment Community Assessment – TB Community data source Community education – evaluate Community resource – elderly Community resources-population age Community resources – rural Community strategies – mental deficiencies Cultural competence Cultural -lactose intolerant Cultural – Native American (Native Americans are at high risk for diabetes – have the highest rates, so the nurse needs to screen for and educate about this).Culturally sensitive teaching CV disease – African American Diabetes AIC If a nurse is working in a community with high rates of diabetes and implements a program, at the end of 1 year (or whatever evaluation period is stated) the nurse will ant to evaluate hemoglobin A1 C levels to determine effectiveness of program.Disaster – Cholera (Priority for treating those with cholera: fluid and electrolytes) Disaster- Professional Disaster – red tag triage Disaster planning Disaster Preparedness – START Disaster triage – color system Elder abuse-Home setting Elder health – assessment Employee health Epidemiological triad host Epidemiological triad agent Fall in home Family assistance – ophthalmic meds Family ecomap Flu vaccine-priority Gatekeeper Genetic risk – assessment Geriatrics – home nutrition Geriatric syndrome – home health GTD-hCG valuesHealth Promotion Program – Planning Heart healthy diet – limit Heat stroke If an adolescent is playing sports at school and goes to the school n urse with red, dry skin and other symptoms of heat stroke, the first thing the nurse should do is call for emergency personnel (not assess). Hepatitis A – risk Main route is through fecal-oral Hep B vaccine – pregnancy Hepatovax B allergy Home care referral Home Health – Management Home health – PT Home safety – post arthroplasty Hypertension-BP measure Immunize – 3rd world country Immunization rates Increase vaccination rates Infant mortality rateInfluenza -prophylactic Relenza Lillian Wald – Henry Street (she established the Henry Street Settlement) Focused on cleanliness, staff was educated, and ventilation Lipid screening Long-term care-infection Long-term car – fall prevention Meals-on-wheels Medicare Menomune vaccine Migrant worker risks Morbidity data – gather Morbidity data-glaucoma If a nurse is working with an elderly population and most of them are choosing to get a surgery that will CURE glaucoma, then the nu rse will be concerned with assessing prevalence of glaucoma (not morbidity). Needs assessment Neighborhood safe housesNeuman model – line of defense Obese children-parent involvement Occupational health – smoking Occupational nurse practitioner role Oral contraceptives – smokers Osteoporosis – prevention Outcome evaluation Polypharmacy – GERI Post vaccination teaching Primary prevention – adolescents Primary prevention – WIC Priority – HF lab results Program goal setting Quality Care – nursing home Quality Care – public clinic management Quality health – bicycle safety Rash with fever – PEDI (chicken pox) Ritalin evaluation – adolescent Assessing intervention with ADHD in an adolescent: get their feedback on mprovement, as their self-esteem is priority School age screen (obesity) School nurse role If an adolescent comes to a school nurse and tells her she is pregnant, the nurse will want to im plement measures to ensure the teen and her baby are healthy. These things include referral to prenatal care, encouraging prenatal vitamins, etc. The nurse will NOT tell the parents and things like arranging childcare or teaching breastfeeding are not something the school nurse will be involved in. screening – DM – PEDI Screening priority Question regarding hypothyroidism and the nurse recognizes that mental ysfunction is a long-term consequence. What is screening priority? Answers included screening for T3 in preschoolers or children (? ), iodine screening in people over 60, TSH in women over 45, and T4 in newborns. The answer is T4 in newborns.Seat belt safety-adolescents Secondary prevention – tobacco Secondary prevention – children Sensitivity of tests Social organization Stakeholder If a community health nurse is going into a community to try to develop or implement an intervention, remember one of the key things he/she must do is form a relationship with someone who would be identified as the stakeholder. Stakeholders will be someone who is invested in the health of the community and will be invested in the program to be implemented. They will be vital in the nurse gaining access into the community, the success of the program, and ensuring the sustainability of the program. STD-Reporting If an adolescent goes to the health dept and is diagnosed with chlamydia, the nurse must report this. It is a reportable disease that is monitored by the state and the CDC, and the disease intervention specialist must be informed to do contact tracing.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What contribution does human resource management brings towards its Literature review

What contribution does human resource management brings towards its employee related performance - Literature review Example Properly designing and measuring performance is one of the basic and decisive steps that HR can do to affect performance. Performance can also be effectively raised by considering the intersections between individual, team, and organisational motivations. Some studies agree that HR can influence performance, primarily through affecting employee attitudes and behaviour (Tsai, Edwards, & Sengupta 2010), but the causal relationship between the two is said to be more complex (Nishii, Lepak, Schneider 2008). Niishi et al. (2008) explore the right interpretation of HR efforts from the individual perspectives of employees, in order for the target attitudinal and behavioral changes to be achieved. This paper seeks to explore how HR affects employee performance. After carefully reviewing literature, findings showed that HR practices can impact individual performance through an effective performance management system and it can raise team and organisational performance through mediating factor s, such as performance management, emotional intelligence building, collaboration, and affecting organisational culture and employee engagement and satisfaction. Performance of the individual, teams, and the whole organisation Human resource management has evolved to strategic HRM, which designates HR manager as strategic allies to managing performance (Zink 2008). In particular, it is engaged in management development, organisational culture, appraisal system, discipline, environmental issue, diversity, culture, and HR policy dimension (Nemiro et al 2008). Though some still assert that HR should only focus on human resource performance, there is growing evidence that HRM can directly affect performance across different levels, by creating different systems that can impact organisational performance (Tsai et al. 2010; Nishii et al. 2008). Sources argue that HR practices can impact individual performance through mediating effects on perceptions of the connection between reward and pe rformance and management skills. Properly designing and measuring performance is one of the basic and critical steps of performance management. HR can create an effective performance management system to impact individual, team, and organisational performance (Chuang & Liao 2010). Tsai, Edwards, and Sengupta (2010) build on and test an alternative view of the association between HR and organisational performance. Their model argues that organisational performance affects employee attitudes and that the performance-attitude relationship is mediated by HRM practices. To test their model, they conducted management interviews and employee surveys for thirty-two small firms in the Midlands of England that come from diverse industries. Findings showed that HRM practices are directly related to two measurements of employees' attitudes: â€Å"perceptions of management skills and the perceived link between reward and performance† (Tsai et al. 2010, p.15). This provides evidence that H RM can impact links between reward and performance. Chuang and Liao (2010) and Zhang and Li (2009), however, specifically argued for the importance of high-performance HR practices, which focus on concern for internal and external customers to achieve better market performance. In improving team performance, the rewards system must rationally inspire team performance measures (Nemiro et al. 2008). An appropriately-designed reward and pay system can motivate individual members to work as a team (Nemiro et al. 2008, p.63). This means that HR performance management efforts and tools must promote collectivity among individual members, so that each member values and respects each other’s impact on the total team performance. Rajagopal and Rajagopal (2008) investigate team performance in the article, â€Å"Team performance and control process in sales organizations.† The researchers observe that the main characteristics of a good team are that they

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Relationship between the Consumers Need for Uniqueness and Essay

The Relationship between the Consumers Need for Uniqueness and Purchase Perception of Fast Fashion Co-Brands - Essay Example The paper tells that co-branding in fashion is the pairing of two of more branded products forming a separate and unique product. It facilitates parent brands to access to a broader consumer base as well as to form a new relationship with the clients. Fast fashion co-brands serve as a constructed idea and lifestyle which the consumers not only desire but also identify. People with a high need for uniqueness fell comfortable when they are different from others, as a result, engage mostly in changes towards dissimilarity related to others. They either counter to conform to creative choices, avoid similarity or like the unpopular. This is dependent upon consumers’ subjective judgment, quality and consumers need for the uniqueness of a product or service. Hypothesis developed to explain purchase perception include hypothesis 2; consumers having a higher need for uniqueness in fast fashion have higher favourable purchase perception of fast fashion co-brand, hypothesis 3; consumers having higher need for uniqueness on designer fashion brand have higher favourable purchase perception of fast fashion co-brands, hypothesis 4; consumers having higher need for uniqueness on fast fashion co-brand have higher favourable purchase perception of fast fashion co-brand. Empirical research methodology in form of survey questionnaires was used. A pilot survey was carried out to ensure that the survey questions and research instruments operate well. The authors also employed convenient sampling approach using a random survey procedure, week through. Need for the luxury design was higher than the need for uniqueness in fast fashion brands. Need for fast fashion came in between. Respondents’ need for uniqueness in first fashion co-brands had the largest impact on their purchase perception on fast fashion co-brands, followed by fast fashion brands and lastly, the need for uniqueness in luxury designer brands. Since fast fashion brands are easily and affordably possessed and are of comparatively low quality, consumers might feel they are less unique. Luxury designer fashion brands scored highest.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

IPv4 and ipv6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IPv4 and ipv6 - Essay Example The protocol accounts for most of today’s internet traffic and operates by describing a network in which there is no quality of service guarantee. IPV4 use 32 bit addressing and allows 4,294,967,296 unique addresses. IPV4 was widely used in modern transmission control protocol. The version provides basic datagram delivery characteristics and it has been highly rated by users for more than 10 years. IPv6 succeeded IPV4 and is currently used in directing 90% of internet traffic (Amer AbuAli 2001) The internet functions by transferring data between different hosts across different networks as specified by routing protocols. In order to transfer the data the protocols require a communicating mechanism and this is achieved by using IPv4 and IPv6. Migration from IPv4 to IPv6 is a cumbersome task because of the large numbers of IPv4 users. In today’s world, more people and organizations are using computers in their daily work. This will be hard to switch the IP protocol. The migration from ipv4 to ipv6 is implemented through step by step by utilizing auto configuration mechanism to eliminate manually configuration. Auto configuration mechanism allows users to mutually benefit from the upgraded IPv4 without affecting their connectivity. This method of migration is called the dual stack technique. Both the IPv4 and IPv6 are run at the same time. Data from IPv6 application in one end is interpreted by IPV6 protocol in the other end (Amer AbuAli 2001) Sets of simple internet procedures have been implemented fro smooth migration from IPv4 to IPv6 which include progressive and simple transition. Administrators update IPv4 routers one at a time without the need of upgrading other routers concurrent Administrators use the simple transition method simplifies in communication between IPv4 and IPv6. Networking devices which cannot be upgraded to IPv6 like the terminal servers can still operate on the IPv4 protocol using the transition model. In order to migrate

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) - Essay Example The paper will be presented as a fact-finding document and will present no political bias on the issues that surround the CIRA. It is the intention to inform the public on the CIRA and present a clearer picture of the threat they may pose and who their likely targets may be. To understand the brief history of the CIRA, it is helpful to know the history of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and its political struggle for Irish nationalism. The IRA was a military organization that grew out of the Irish Volunteers, and was recognized by the Lower House of parliament as the legitimate army of the declared Irish Republic in 1919. The Irish Republic had been established as the result of the Easter Uprising in 1916, which sought to expel British rule. A group of Irish republicans led the revolt and sought to win independence through armed conflict with Britain. Subsequent years of civil strife resulted in the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which was a compromise that established an Irish Free State within the British Empire. The resulting division between the pro-treaty supporters and the republican radicals set the stage for the Irish civil war. After suffering defeat in the civil war, the radical IRA continued to fight for an Irish Republic. They fought against the occupying British army over the next several decades using terrorist and guerrilla tactics. The IRA maintained a lo... Hard line republicans opposed this change and contended it was against the original constitution of the IRA and the Sinn Fein. The members that opposed the change in absenteeism policy split from the PIRA and reformed as the CIRA. This established the CIRA as the more radical splinter group and they proclaimed themselves to be the only legitimate IRA. Though the CIRA has been in existence since 1986, it was relatively inactive until the cease-fire of 1994. The statement by the IRA said, in part, "[...] the IRA have decided that as of midnight, August 31, there will be a complete cessation of military operations. All our units have been instructed accordingly" ("Irish Republican Army"). The CIRA did not agree to abide by the cease-fire and continued its goal of uniting Northern Ireland and Ireland in a socialist republic through armed conflict. This was the beginning of the modern and visible CIRA as it exists today. Group Leadership and Organizational Structure There has been some confusion over the terms Continuity IRA (CIRA) and the Real IRA (RIRA). Both groups have similar political goals and both advocate violence. Neither group has agreed to abide by the cease-fire as agreed to by the PIRA. Both groups consider themselves the sole legitimate IRA. The CIRA split during the 1986 debate over absenteeism, and the RIRA was formed from radical PIRA members who dissented from the cease fire agreement. Though they have some collusion and cooperation, they operate as separate organizations, leadership, and structure. Initially CIRA was led by Chief of Staff Daith O Conaill until his death in 1991. He was a hard line republican who had been active in the IRA for 4 decades. When he died in 1991, it was reported that an unnamed man from

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discuss to what extent the role of Groupthink in the Challenger Space Essay

Discuss to what extent the role of Groupthink in the Challenger Space Shuttle was critical to the incident and suggest ways in which the situation might have been avoided - Essay Example Groupthink theory, and the model resulting from it, is one of the most prominent efforts to try and explain decision-making outcomes in organizations (Whyte, 1998). This theory is considered useful in the explanation of one of the most prominent disasters of modern time. In 1986, NASA launched a space mission in which the space shuttle Challenger was to deliver astronauts and a school teacher to space. This mission was supposed to be a bold statement that space travel was safe and NASA had made advances in space program that would be educationally beneficial to all Americans. This paper examines the decisional process that culminated to the fateful disaster that befell Challenger and its crew, sparking so many questions on NASA’s organization and its safety ethics. The paper particularly examines the role of groupthink theory in the disaster. After the introduction the paper provides a brief description of the Challenger disaster, it then discusses groupthink as was presented by Janis (1982). A big part of the paper is dedicated to examining the role of groupthink in the Challenger disaster after which suggestions are provided about how the disaster would have been avoided. The paper then ends with a brief conclusion summarising the key issue s discussed. In 1986 NASA launched what was to be its safest mission into space which was supposed to usher in an era of safe space travel. However, this was not to be as disaster struck shortly after the launching of the space shuttle Challenger. The shuttle exploded mid-air killing all crew and leaving NASA with the responsibility of explaining decisions leading to the accidents. Immediately after the shock of the disaster that befell Challenger, the public was demanding answers about how and why the accident took place (Solomon, 2006). Public investigations by a presidential commission set up for that purpose

Monday, September 23, 2019

Advanced corporate reporting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advanced corporate reporting - Case Study Example In this report, we will discuss the differences between rules-based and principles-based of revenue recognition standard. Then, we will discuss the recognition criteria for revenue in both the old and new standards. The consistency of the new standard with conceptual framework will also be discussed. This will be followed by discussing the implications of new standard implemented and consequences of the significant changes. Rules-based standards as the name implies, provide sets of detailed rules that must be followed when preparing financial statements. Non-compliance of rules could cause a fine punishment or possible of lawsuits. With rules-based accounting standards, it will help to reduce the risk of misstatement of financial reports and increase the accuracy of financial information, given the explicit instructions for every situation as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) of the US may anticipate (DePamphilis 2012, 327). However, rules-based standards can be very complex too when preparing financial statements. Some people might look for loophole of rules and regulations to manipulate organisations’ financial figures. Principles-based standards are general guidelines that accountants must use as basis to prepare the financial statements. It is a simple way to apply and provide guidance for accountants to ensure good reporting. Under rules-based, there is less disclosure as what is required is to follow the rules required under a given standard. An example is different old standard on revenues where there is need to follow the requirement for a company is a specific industry to follow the industry specific requirement to recognize revenue. The principles-based accounting standard will have less rules but much will depend on the professional judgement of the accountant who will prepare the financial statement as properly guided the principles of preparing the accounts. In other words, under the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Saint Albertus Magnus ( Year 1193-1280 ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Saint Albertus Magnus ( Year 1193-1280 ) - Essay Example He is also referred to as the â€Å"Doctor of the church†. This is one title that was bestowed amongst the greatest men in the Roman Catholic Church (Attwater, 2003). It should be observed that the name is bestowed on only 33 people who have led and given their life to their respective missions globally. He was a very knowledgeable man who had received his education at a very tender age. As early as he could, he mastered the teachings of the famous philosopher Aristotle. In many instances, he is quoted as a very resilient man who shunned his own family for the sake of the mission. This is especially after his family denounced him for joining the parish. He is also on record saying that if it were not for the Virgin Mary, he would not be in the mission. This is because he states that he had an encounter with her. It is during this encounter that she convinced him to give his life to the mission. This is what convinced him to give his life to the church. It is also because of hi s great mind that Saints like Aquinas graced the world. He is responsible for the moulding of Thomas Aquinas into a philosopher and theologist of great repute. This enabled the latter to be one of the greatest men in the church. His profound teachings and guidance are said to have effectively steered Aquinas to the paths that he crossed. He was a very humble and efficient leader who always wanted what was best for the people. He always put his needs last (Emsley, 2001). During his time period, Albertus contributed greatly to all walks of life. He is said to have healed the world with his profound wisdom. His wisdom enabled him to write very many information materials that gave way to many theories and analogies. These theories are still in use today. He wrote books on Biology, Religion and Psychology and many other fields. His thoughts and opinions on the many subjects projected the fact that Albertus was a genius. He had the ability to understand the universe, all that was around i t and what was required to ensure that the field of knowledge was robust with new ideas and knowledge (Magnus, 2003). His humility is something that was emulated all over the world. He was offered a horse that would enable him to move freely within the Dominican Republic. In his lifetime, Albertus never rode the horse. He was known to walk as he went on the various activities that he had to conduct. This created a chance for very many ordinary people to interact freely with him. This is because in many instances, the people walked to and from their various activities. This gave him more resilience to spread the gospel in many parts of the world that he travelled to. It also gave him a chance to share his wisdom with those that chose to walk with him (Collins, 2010). Albertus time period received a great contribution form this powerful mind. He contributed greatly to the general area of science, philosophy and psychology amongst others. He created a very wide gap as many of his count erparts in the parish acknowledged that he was indeed a man of great repute. Saint Albertus Magnus contributed significantly to history. He was so great and many people marvelled at him even in death. It is said that after his death, many of the people that came to view his body were actually healed of any diseases that they had. They were healed from many of their diseases and ailments. The healing ability from the saint came in the form of his body fragrance. Historically, it is also said

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success Paper Essay Example for Free

Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success Paper Essay My decision to go back to school did not happen overnight. It was a discussion after another with my husband, because we both know, this is a serious matter that needs planning and teamwork with the whole family. Going back to school after 20 years with three children plus working full time will be very challenging. It was more of a personal decision, wanting to advance and achieve more in my chosen field. I’m aware this entails hard work and dedication on my part. My mother even asked me, â€Å"Why bother? You’re already a Director of Nursing†. But deep inside me, I don’t want to stop there. After all these years, I feel rusty, mentally and skills wise. I crave for a mental challenge and hone my communication and written skills to be more effective. â€Å"Great leaders reinvent continuously on a personal level. They are always interested in ways to enhance their own knowledge and skills† (Blanchard Miller, 2007, p. 72). In this essay, I was asked what would be the three challenges I will face in pursuing my study and its corresponding strategies for achieving success. The first challenge is financial. When I called the University and spoke with the financial counselor, I almost choked when I heard the cost. I have an idea beforehand, that going or pursuing graduate school is very costly but I did not realize to be that much. Having two teenagers in a catholic school and a paid help 8-10 hours a day for my special girl, made me think twice again and discuss the matter seriously with my husband. Second challenge for me to study again, is my lack of computer skills, knowledge with APA writing guidelines or writing skills, per se. A friend of mine, who is going to graduate school, mentioned that it demands a lot of writing and research work. This aspect scares me because I don’t have a great background in these areas. During my student days, I don’t have even the basic computer skills and using APA format for my writings. I was doing my presentation using Manila papers, not in the power point back then, and used to the traditional way of learning through reading from textbooks. All of these things, such as navigating the student’s web, looking for on-line resources are all new to me, that is why I am a bit overwhelmed. The third challenge is time management. Balancing my schedule between my family, work and school will definitely be a challenge. My other friend was actually shocked when I mentioned that I’m going for my graduate study. She said, â€Å"What are you doing? Killing yourself by stressing you more? You have a special baby to tend and two teenagers to drive around wherever they have to go, work full time and school? Where will you find time to study? † I know, this will be a tough journey but I’m in for a challenge. To overcome my first challenge, the best strategy is to do proper budgeting. â€Å"A budget plan shows you the flow of money in your everyday life. By making slight adjustments to your budget, you may have the ability to save more† ( â€Å" Informative articles on how to budget,†2009, p. 1). This is something that I will take seriously because I am an impulsive buyer and loves shopping a lot. I have a tendency to shop for the entire family, and spoil them with fancy or beautiful things and not looking at the price. I will be a smart shopper from now on and list things that are only necessary when I do my grocery. I will also cut back some expenses in entertainment such as movies, dining out and personal care such as going to beauty salon and massage parlors. For my second challenge, an open mind and positive attitude towards continued learning will be the best approach. It has been 20 years since I last attended school, but I believe it is not too late to learn and acquire new skills again. I will stick with my goal and will try to overcome any obstacles that will come along the way. Another attitude that I need here is discipline. According to Covey (2004), â€Å"Discipline is just as important as vision. It’s the executing, the making it happen, the sacrifice entailed in doing whatever it takes to realize that vision† (p. 73). Since I’m well aware of all my shortcomings, I’m taking advantage of those free workshops being offered on-line such as Microsoft Office to improve my computer skills. I’ve started reading books also to exercise my brain rather than just watching TV with my kids to improve my critical thinking and writing skills. As for the third challenge of time management, a good strategy here is being organized. Allen (2001) stated, â€Å"Organizing allows your mind to let go of lower-level thinking and graduate to intuitive focusing, undistracted by matters that haven’t been dealt with appropriately† (p. 138). I just bought a planner, and now, I’m writing all my schedules for the month such as my doctor’s appointment, children’s activities, parties to attend, staff meetings and assignments deadline. By looking at my planner every day, it gives me a feeling of control over my life. Planning ahead of time lessen my anxiety and by crossing out each task that has been accomplished, makes me more motivated to finish another one and stay focused to my goal. My journey to finish my study will not be an easy one. I know there will be a lot of obstacles or struggles along the way. But having identified my challenges so far, and effectively applying the strategies to overcome these obstacles will make it easier and worthwhile. Staying focus to my goal, maintaining discipline and having a positive attitude will ultimately lead me to a successful journey. References Allen, D. (2001). Getting things done: The art of stress-free productivity. New York, New York: Penguin Group. Informative articles on how to budget. (2009). 2010 American Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. , (), 1. Blanchard, K. , Miller, M. (2007). The secret What great leaders know-and do. San Francisco, California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.. Covey, S. R. (2004). The 8th habit From effectiveness to greatness. New York, New York: Free Press.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why You Take Animals To A Vet Sociology Essay

Why You Take Animals To A Vet Sociology Essay When a person gets sick they usually visit the doctor, but when an animal gets sick they cant go to a human doctor, they visit whats called a veterinarian. A variety of animals can visit the vet, from house pets to farm animals to animals in the zoo. Animals that visit the vet are healthier due to the number of vaccines and technology available; though it may be expensive, it does prolong an animals life. Veterinarians are physicians who help diagnose and treat diseases in animals. With continuous checkups, veterinarians can help control and prevent illness and disease in the animal. As stated by pet care, no matter how careful animal owners are, there will be a time when animals need to visit the vet. Though some believe vets can only offer an examination, they actually can do so much more. Vets are capable of spotting certain illnesses before they take full effect through blood test. They can repair joint or ligament, and they even provide professional grooming. Visiting the vet can prolong animals lives with the physicals done, and making sure animals have all their vaccinations. The major benefit for animals that go to the vet is that they are healthy. But the duties of veterinarians just dont stop at making sure animals are healthy. They make sure the meats people eat are healthy by testing the animal for diseases, monitoring the transportation of the animal, and the slaughtering of the now meat. A veterinarian can decide their specialty based off where they grew up at and the location of where their practice is at or will be at. There are three major categories that a veterinarian can specialize in; small, large, and exotic. Small animals are mostly known as the house pets, and they usually go to clinics or private practices. Clinics can be used for the larger animals, but they are mostly used for small animals. Clinics and private practices provide a waiting area, appointments, emergency appointments, and boarding areas. The major difference between a clinic and private practice is that a clinic is run by the government and a private practice is run by one person, the owner. The next specialties for a veterinarian are large animals. These animals tend to be farm animals, like cows, horses, and sheep. The main reason veterinarians do home visits for these types of animals is because of their size, the population they come in because its just not one cow at the farm. Equestri an veterinarians can also fall under this category, they focus in just horses. Those veterinarians tend to focus more on the unique horses, like ones that race or designer breed horses. The last type of animal that a vet can specialize in is exotic animals. These animals tend to be zoo animals; they can be monkeys, iguanas, ferrets or potbellied pigs. Depending on if they are located at the zoo, there will be a special veterinarian located at the zoo that runs their own private practice. Depending on the size of these exotic animals, that are pets to some people; they would go to a specific private practice for exotic animals only. But, if they are large exotic animals, a specific veterinarian would make a special home visit. Though there are three different specialties, there are veterinarians that will run a private practice for all types of animals and make home visits for all types of animals. As most people probably already know, the main reason to visit the vet is to help keep their animal healthy and living longer. Animals do age faster than humans do, so it is very important for animals to visit the vet. Just like humans, as the animals gets older their health does become worse. There are many pros for owners who take their animals to the veterinarian. Not only can an owner take their pet to get a wellness checkup, they can also have grooming done. When owners have their animals groomed, sometimes they take them to places where its not the best job being done. But taking them to the vet can ensure you that there are professionals back there taking care of the grooming process. Another pro that can benefit the owners and anyone else around the animal, is that taking an animal to the vet not only helps them be healthy but help keeps people in contact with the animal healthy too. Diseases can spread from human to pet and even pet to human. Then the fact that some animals are the meat people eat, so it would be a major pro having that meat healthy and disease free. Insurance can really help out with costs of vet bills for the exotic animals, so that is another major pro. Then by visiting the veterinarian, animals receive vaccinations. If an animal gets a disease or illness after receiving that certain vaccination and they recover, then they can become immune to it, which that will protect them for life. A con about visiting the vet of course is the money. Vaccinations, grooming, dentals, and surgeries are not cheap. It can be hard to afford an animal going to the vet monthly. Then another con about going to the vet would be if the veterinarian found something wrong. While performing their checkups there are possibilities of them finding a tumor or another illness. Then it will be expensive to pay for surgeries or medicine necessary for the animal to recover. Of course, the pros outweigh the cons. Having an animals life become longer and healthier is worth the cost sometimes. Visiting the veterinarian is mostly for the animals wellness checkup. A wellness checkup is just checking the animals out and making sure things are normal. The veterinarians evaluate the overall health of the animal and try to detect serious illnesses before they turn into something bad or terminal. Veterinarians check the animals ear for unusual odors; they check the animals teeth too. Then they make sure the lungs are working properly, the heart rate is normal, and then they check the joints of the animals. Checkups for the larger animals are somewhat different than the checkups for smaller animals. Usually when a large animal is having a wellness checkup or physical they are put a sleep with an anesthetic. After the animal is asleep the veterinarian assistants record the rates of the animal, while the vet focuses on the physical part of the examination. Medicine used in veterinary is similar to humans medicine. An animal can catch a simple stomach bug and also have many diseases that are terminal like types of cancers. Though a veterinarian cant help prevent cancer, they can help prevent stomach bugs with the help of vaccinations. A vaccine is a live pathogen or a killed virus that can be injected to help pathogens in the animals body produce antibodies. The antibodies are what help make an animal immune to a certain illness or disease. Veterinarians can perform blood tests which help show how immune an animal is to a certain disease. Animals can only become immune to a certain illness or disease if they catch it and recover from it. Sometimes animals dont recover and then they dont have the antibodies needed to help make them become immune to it. When people think of surgeries being performed by a vet, they think mostly of removals. But vets can perform many more types of surgeries, like neutering and spaying of house pets. Not only does neutering and spaying make an animal infertile, but by doing that it can help prevent certain cancers in the male and fe male reproductive organs. Then it has been proven that it reduces the chance of animals running off. They can declaw animals like house cats or even bears have been declawed. Also, bone and joint repair are major surgeries done to help animals. Sometimes joints become dislocated and the animal needs that surgery to be able to function properly. The last type of surgery that can be done is cosmetic, just like humans an animal can have things changed. Out of all the pros there are for visiting the veterinarian, the fact that just a visit once a month can prolong an animals life majorly. Having animals checked out by professionals with this technology in the 21st century just provides accurate information versus the knowledge of most animal owners. For the worst con, its not really about the cost for most animal lovers. Its about losing an animal, so the worst con for visiting the vet is the chances of the veterinarian finding something terminal with the animal. Obviously animals who visit the veterinarians like they should are healthier than those animals that havent ever been to a veterinarian. Just like humans, animals can leave germs and get germs. The germs can be in the waiting room area or in the back where the vet clinic boards animals. So even though animals visit the veterinarian they still can become unhealthy by catching a disease there at the vet. Veterinarians can do house calls and come personally to the animal. Maki ng those animals the healthiest; due to them not being in contact with the sick and still receiving the proper care by a veterinarian.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

What is the Price for Keeping the American Public Safe from Diet Supple

What is the Price for Keeping the American Public Safe from Diet Supplements? Being overweight and being in sports is a hard aspect of the game to overcome. Many of the athletes in different sports go through tough training and conditioning. Some athletes are under great pressure to make a certain weight in order to stay on the team. If the players are overweight they might be fined or even benched for the certain events. All of the sports that are out there have a lot of competition for staying on teams. There are the athletes that struggle each week to keep their job from younger stronger players coming in. So it is a question of were they turn to get an extra edge over the other player. Most of the time it is with diet supplements or performance enhancers. Congress needs to be more ethical in providing enough research and funding towards dietary supplements research because the cost is greater than loosing a few pounds or getter a better edge in the game. It comes down to being able to keep the American public safe and keep athletes from dieing. Even thou gh the entire dietary supplement industry is a big corporation the companies can not be just out there to make money, when it can harm people. From being an athlete myself I am deeply concerned with the issue of all the muscle enhancers and what is being done in congress and the FDA. The entire diet supplement industry is worth $20 billion dollars. Most of the products that are out on the market are available do have benefits towards different features of performance. There are complaints being given in to the congress that the drug companies are being put in hold for distributing their product in the market. If a company comes out with a new product that could save li... ...and then leaving the person feeling dehydrated and weak. From looking at all of the effects of all of the diet pills and muscle enhancers it is clear that the congress needs to help the FDA more in order to keep the American public safe. Counterarguments may pose that the industry alone makes more than the FDA budget combined so it is not worth it. Most of the companies claim that their product is helpful to the needs that most of the athletes need. It is more than just giving a person an extra edge or making them loose weight. The effects of these pills and powders are not worth the risk. Even if a product says it is herbal and all natural does not give it the right to not go through the right scientific testing. It is based on all of these reasons and being an athlete myself I want there to be more protection on all of the diet supplements and muscle enhancers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Blaise Pascal Essay -- Essays Papers

Blaise Pascal "We arrive at truth, not by reason only, but also by the heart"(1) said Blaise Pascal, one of the greatest minds of the 17th Century. The 17th Century was the time of the scientific revolution. During this period the main idea for everyone, was to question everything not to just listen to what is told. This caused a transformation in thought in both religious and scientific areas. Science allowed the questioning of the teachings of the old church. Scientists battled with ideas in math and physics, while philosophers battled with ideas of God. It was an intellectual revolution concerning the methods for determining humanity's place in the universe. Blaise Pascal was a physicist, a mathematician, and a man of God. He was a Renaissance man of the scientific revolution. On June 19, 1623, Pascal was born in the small town of Clermont-Ferrand, France, to Antoinette and Etienne Pascal. When Pascal was just three his mother passed away. After this, Etienne Pascal moved Blaise and his two sisters to Paris, France. Here his son would be able to learn. Etienne Pascal was very concerned about his son becoming an educated man. This is why he decided to teach his son on his own. He brought a young Blaise to lectures and other gatherings. He decided Blaise would not study math until age 15. When he made this decision he took all the math books out of the family home; however, this did not stop a curious Pascal. At age twelve, he started to work on geometry by himself. Blaise’s father finally started to take him to mathematical gatherings at "Academic Parisienne." At the age of 16, Pascal began to play an active role in "Academic Parisienne," as the principal disciple of Girard Desargues, one of the heads of "Academic Par... ... Pascal was such a brilliant man because he could do both of these. Pascal was one of the only men that wrote about his beliefs in God and was an accredited scientist and mathematician too. He was a true man of the scientific revolution. Endnotes: - Pascal, Blaise. 1910. Pascal's Pensà ©es. Translated by W. F. Trotter. New York: The Modern Library, 1941. - Rose, N. Mathematical Maxims and Minims. Raleigh NC: 1988. - Same as 1. - Gillispie, Charles Coulston. Dictionary of scientific biography. New York: Scribner, [1970-1990]. - Auden, W. H. and Kronenberger, Louis. The Viking Book of Aphorisms. New York: Viking Press, 1966. Work Cited Hazelton, Roger. Blaise Pascal The Genius of Thought. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1974. Eliot, Charles W. The Harvard Classics (Pascal). New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, 1938. Blaise Pascal Essay -- Essays Papers Blaise Pascal "We arrive at truth, not by reason only, but also by the heart"(1) said Blaise Pascal, one of the greatest minds of the 17th Century. The 17th Century was the time of the scientific revolution. During this period the main idea for everyone, was to question everything not to just listen to what is told. This caused a transformation in thought in both religious and scientific areas. Science allowed the questioning of the teachings of the old church. Scientists battled with ideas in math and physics, while philosophers battled with ideas of God. It was an intellectual revolution concerning the methods for determining humanity's place in the universe. Blaise Pascal was a physicist, a mathematician, and a man of God. He was a Renaissance man of the scientific revolution. On June 19, 1623, Pascal was born in the small town of Clermont-Ferrand, France, to Antoinette and Etienne Pascal. When Pascal was just three his mother passed away. After this, Etienne Pascal moved Blaise and his two sisters to Paris, France. Here his son would be able to learn. Etienne Pascal was very concerned about his son becoming an educated man. This is why he decided to teach his son on his own. He brought a young Blaise to lectures and other gatherings. He decided Blaise would not study math until age 15. When he made this decision he took all the math books out of the family home; however, this did not stop a curious Pascal. At age twelve, he started to work on geometry by himself. Blaise’s father finally started to take him to mathematical gatherings at "Academic Parisienne." At the age of 16, Pascal began to play an active role in "Academic Parisienne," as the principal disciple of Girard Desargues, one of the heads of "Academic Par... ... Pascal was such a brilliant man because he could do both of these. Pascal was one of the only men that wrote about his beliefs in God and was an accredited scientist and mathematician too. He was a true man of the scientific revolution. Endnotes: - Pascal, Blaise. 1910. Pascal's Pensà ©es. Translated by W. F. Trotter. New York: The Modern Library, 1941. - Rose, N. Mathematical Maxims and Minims. Raleigh NC: 1988. - Same as 1. - Gillispie, Charles Coulston. Dictionary of scientific biography. New York: Scribner, [1970-1990]. - Auden, W. H. and Kronenberger, Louis. The Viking Book of Aphorisms. New York: Viking Press, 1966. Work Cited Hazelton, Roger. Blaise Pascal The Genius of Thought. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1974. Eliot, Charles W. The Harvard Classics (Pascal). New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, 1938.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Frankenstein :: essays papers

Frankenstein A Freudian Interpretation In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the main character, Victor, has a short, but important dream right after he brings his creature to life. I have chosen to interpret this dream for several reasons. Firstly, there is no need to doubt that Victor’s retelling of the dream is anything but the truth. Also, there would be no reason for Victor to be compensating for lapses in the dream by creating falsities. In order for the novel to work, these assumptions must be made. Also with Victor’s dream, there is no need to try to extract his past from the dream because in the four chapters before the dream we get that information. Victors retelling of his dream is this: I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt. Delighted and surprised, I embraced her, but as I imprinted the fist kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change and I thought that I held the dead corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the graveworms crawling in the folds of the flannel. The first thing I identified in the dream was the symbolism. In his works on dreams, Freud often stresses the existence of sexual motivation in dreams. He identifies many symbols of genitals and sexual intercourse. One of the symbols for the phallis is a snake. I extended that symbol to include the graveworms that are mentioned in Victor’s dream. The existence of this symbol led me to examine the possibility that sexual feelings may have caused this dream. The two characters that are mentioned in the dream are Elizabeth, his intended wife, and Caroline, who is his now deceased mother. The presence of Victor’s love object and his mother ensure the existence of sexual feelings in the dream. The way in which Victor describes embracing and kissing Elizabeth implies that he has sexual desire for her. He may also have a genuine sense of love for her, but this aspect is not as clear. Victor’s feelings for Elizabeth could be expected by examining his childhood. As he was growing up, Victor was quite sheltered. His only contact with women being his mother and Elizabeth. When Elizabeth was brought into Victors house his mother presented her as â€Å" .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Family Law Contemporary Issues

Family law has been broadened in a wide range of areas that the law governs, as over the years the concept of family has been widely diversified due to changes in modern society and community standards. Family law governs areas such as marriage, family relationships, legal rights and obligations of parents and children, adoption and the protection and care of children within a family. However, over the recent years the changes in each area of family law has shown some changes have been effective and others demonstrate the need for law reform. This is due to the rapid change of the law and changing social standards, therefore the law is attempting to balance the rights and interest of the society and individual family members. The legal recognition of same sex relationships in Australia has dramatically evolved over the years. Same sex relationships have tackled huge issues in regards to marriage, discrimination and property rights. As same sex relationships have been excluded from a number of rights and obligations for example; the legal recognition of same sex marriage. The Marriage Act 1965 (Cth) defines marriage as ‘the legal union of a man and women with the exclusion of others’. Therefore same sex marriage is void in Australia even those who have married in another country it will be seen as an invalid marriage. Having the lack of legal recognition can have direct consequences to same sex relationships and their families as they are excluded from the protections and rights that normal heterosexual couples and families have. This is demonstrated in the Young V Australia (1999) case, where a Sydney man was refused for a veteran’s dependent pension as he was in a same sex relationship. In this incident the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) determined the Australian government had breached the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), as ‘all persons are equal before the law. ’ Not only has it breached the ICCPR but it has breach the Sex Discrimination Act 1984. Therefore, this demonstrates how the legal system is ineffective as there is a lack of enforceability with regards to the role that the international law plays in Australia. In order to create equality in the legal system for same-sex relationships the Australian Human Rights Commission report in 2008 had introduced reforms with the aim to provide same sex couples with the same entitlements as heterosexuals. The most significant reform was the introduction of the Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Act 1999 (NSW). This has allowed de facto elationships to have the right to divide property as seen in the Hope and Brown v NIB Health Fund Ltd (1995). In this case the Equal Opportunity Tribunal had played an effective role as it has shown to be successfully in achieving justice and equality for same sex relationships. It has also protected the 2 year old son in which Hope and Brown were now permitted to give their child a family policy for his future. Therefore, the reforms th at have occurred in the past decade have been successful as it has given some rights and obligations towards same sex relationships. In NSW 241 300, reports were made about concerns of child’s or young person’s safety according to the Special Commission of Inquiry into child protection services NSW. The concern of the protection and care of both children and individual members under both the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwth) and the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) is the increasing rate of family neglect, abuse and domestic violence. This issue is rapidly increasing each year as the crime rate of children has increased to 70% of young children committing crime due to being neglected or abused in reference to Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS). The government has made numerous amendments and reforms to the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) e. g. Crimes (Domestic Violence) Amendment Act 1987 (NSW), due to increased domestic violence cases within the domestic household. Over the years there have been a number of cases where family members have suffered domestic violence which has resulted in some of them murdering their husbands or partners, e. g. R v Heather Osland 1996 (VIC). Therefore, the legal system has shown how further amendments and reforms can protect individual family members effectively. But the government needs to step up and focus on providing more resources and funds to smaller organisations e. g. Docs. The government has created the Department of Community Services (DOCs) under the Children Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998. This organization helps protect children who are suffering abuse or neglect. Majority of the time Docs have overseen incidents’ and have failed to report any sort of child abuse, neglect or domestic violence. As shown recently in 2012 August 03 in the Sydney Morning Herald (SHM) ‘Abuse Children were ignored by a welfare worker’. The Department of Community Services have failed to protect and prevent children from harm due to being under resourced and not having the adequate resources to protect children. The Australian government should provide efficient resources e. g. having more people involved with better wages in protecting minors. This would therefore be more effective in protecting children and their rights. Without this new reform in the legal system it will increase the number of children who are in great harm, as recently seen in the media ‘Ebony report’- â€Å"reveals history of Docs neglect†. For individual members to feel safe and protected the law has added extra provisions on the Crimes (Domestic Violence) Amendment Act 1982 which amended the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), has included victims who suffer from domestic violence have the right to seek AVO’s. Many people do not fulfill their responsibility towards their children and sometimes having a divorce within the family can cause major conflicts and struggles on the couple, and most importantly the child. As the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOSCAR) shows that inadequate parenting is associated with child neglect, to some extent these are the strongest predictors of juvenile crime as 36% of young people are cautioned. One of the most serious of these cases are children having the thought of committing suicide. As seen in one of the most recent cases Merrett and BASS 2013. This demonstrates how the strenuous tension between a couple can have on child. As a parent they have the responsibility to ensure that their child receives an education and to discipline their child. In the re Marion (1991) it demonstrates how the child had no right or say in her medical procedures. Therefore, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (CROC) has not been effective as it has not been ratified, which therefore it hasn’t protected the child’s best interest. One of the most recent reforms to the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1988 (NSW) is that if a child has broken the law e. g. underage drinking or damages on property, the parents are penalized for their child’s actions. Another reform that has shown to ineffective is the introduction of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth), this reform involves the equal custody of the child. However, this isn’t always the case as the child may end up back with their abusive parent as seen in the Whitehead v Storn. The court system has shown to have responded to many issues of different areas of family law however, some of the attempts of reforms have demonstrated to be ineffective.

Newspaper as a Reliable Source of News and Information

NEWSPAPER AS A RELIABLE SOURCE OF NEWS AND INFORMATION: The newspapers most notable contribution as a mass communication medium has been as a purveyor of information. Many people doubted if newspapers could fight off the challenge posed by radio and television – both being immediate and more entertaining, but they have fought this challenge and have survived and are going strong due to the following reasons: 1. Newspapers offer detailed accounts which is not possible with radio and television. 2. The printed word carries a lot of credibility than the spoken words of radio and tv. . Also while one has to wait for news bulletins on radio and tv, one can read it anytime he wants. Here time is not a constraint. A newspaper's coverage of meetings and events, investigative journalism that uncovers important issues and strong opinion pieces that offer points of view and courses of action are often the starting point of discussion within a community. As recorders of activities large a nd small within the community, as the community's watchdog and often spokesperson, a newspaper plays a crucial role in day-to-day life in every city, town and community in the country.As a keeper of the stories of a community, the newspaper is there at the start, and the finish, and remains the only effective instrument for such record-keeping. As they begin their search for an important household item, consumers usually turn to the pages of the newspaper to study advertisements and promotions placed by local merchants. When planning trips, readers turn to the newspaper for information about possible destinations, accommodations and other travel information. When looking for a new home or attempting to sell their present house, people find the pages of the newspaper the best place to start.The classified section of any newspaper is the first source for people looking for employment. For some people, their first field trip in school is a visit to the newspaper, and for information fo r a school project on current events, their first stop is the newspaper or, now, the newspaper's site on the World Wide Web. Many people develop a lifelong love of reading by picking up a newspaper each day to find out about the important news, follow the progress of their favorite teams, check out the views of a top columnist or to read their favorite comics.The habit of reading the newspaper is an important step in building literacy skills, as well a keeping a person well-informed on the issues of the day. A good newspaper offers something for everyone, whether it is coverage of an election race, reports from council and school board meetings, display or classified advertising, and opinion writing that educates and excites the reader. Thus newspapers are your source of reliable information in a world overloaded with the unreliable.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How does Clint Eastwood, director of the film, Invictus, use the South African rugby team (the Springboks) as a vehicle to bring a troubled nation together? Essay

How does Clint Eastwood, director of the film, Invictus, use the South African rugby team (the Springboks) as a vehicle to bring a troubled nation together? Clint Eastwood shows the change in the nation of South Africa in Invictus, using the Springboks as a vehicle. He starts the film with large amounts of separation, followed by the steady change in the middle of the movie, and finishing with the nation combined. In the beginning of the film, Clint Eastwood shows how separated black and white people are and how they do not get along, due to the change of the government and the Springboks. Because of the change in government, Nelson Mandela’s staff started to pack their things up as if they were leaving their jobs, but Nelson Mandela stops them and says, ‘The past is the past, we look to the future now.’ Nelson Mandela has noticed the struggle between the two sides of the nation, and is willing to make a change. The nation is very separated at the beginning of the film, and Nelson Mandela thought rugby would be able to bring the two sides back together. To do this, Clint Eastwood made the start of the movie seem as if most South Africans did not like the Springboks and to make it seem like there would be some difficulty in bringing the nation together through the Springboks. Nelson Mandela said that, while he is in prison, he would cheer for any team who were versing the Springboks, encouraging the fact that South Africans did not like them. The Springboks were not liked at the beginning of the film because people thought that they still represented discrimination. An example of this happened during the film when the church is giving out some clothes to children. One child is handed a Springbok jersey but he turns it down and runs away, due to the chance of other children beating him up. After the child is gone, the ladies in the church say, â€Å"Why won’t he take it?† ‘If he wears it, the others will beat him up.’ â€Å"Because the Springboks are playing so badly?† ‘No. Because, for them, the Springboks still represent apartheid.’ – Ladies from the church. In the beginning of Invictus, everyone is very separate and many people dislike the Springboks. By starting the film like this, Clint Eastwood has set the story up for the audience to notice discrete change in the nation. In the film Invictus, Clint Eastwood showed the combining of the black and white people in South Africa. One thing that Eastwood made the Springboks do to bring the two sides of the nation together was to get them to host a coaching clinic for some children. At first the Springboks are not happy to do the coaching clinics, but do so anyway. At the start of the coaching clinic, all of the children race over to Chester and cheer for him, not paying any attention to the rest of the team. The Springboks begin to teach the children how to play rugby, teaching them throwing skills and how to kick goals. After a while, the children begin to open up to the rest of the team, and start to enjoy the game. Clint Eastwood did this to show how the nation began to come together through the Springboks. In the middle of the movie, it becomes more noticeable that the two sides of the nation are coming together because of the Springboks. Clint Eastwood used the Springboks to bring the nation together by gradually showing the acceptance of white people towards black people throughout the film. A parallel storyline that runs during the rugby match involves a South African child and some white police officers. This demonstrates acceptance. In the beginning of the scene, the South African child wanted to hear how the Springboks were playing by eavesdropping on a police officer’s car radio. At first, the police officers rudely send him away and continue to listen to the game. The African child still tries to get closer and closer, while pretending to collect soft drink cans. But, towards the end of the scene, the Springboks score and win the game, and the police become more accepting and forgiving. They begin to celebrate with the child and raise him up on their shoulders as if he were a mascot. Ironically, in the beginning of the film, the same child is seen refusing to wear a Springbok jersey. By using the same child in the beginning of the movie and towards the end, this shows the audience how the South Africans have changed their view on the Springboks. This acceptance of the Springboks showed the beginnings of a nation coming together. During the World Cup, the final game in the film, the scene occasionally cuts to shots of empty streets and empty houses. This technique shows that everyone is watching the game and that everyone is excited to see the outcome. Another thing Clint Eastwood did to show the black and white people combined is at the end of the movie. He used the world cup to symbolise the nation had been brought together. He did this by making Francois and Chester to both hold the World Cup up above their heads, showing the black and white hand together. By the end of the film Invictus, during the final scene, one can see that the crowd watching the rugby game has changed quite considerably, compared to the game in the start of the film where the Springboks play against England. During this game, Clint Eastwood makes it seem as though the crowd is not the main part of the scene, the game of rugby is. Clint Eastwood makes the focus before the game when Nelson Mandela comes out to greet the players. Then the focus comes off the idea that it is a game of rugby and shows how many people do not like Nelson Mandela. The crowd ‘boo’ and throw rubbish at him. At the end of the movie, the crowd is cheerful and excited. South Africans are cheering for the Springboks and everyone in Africa is witnessing the game. This makes the audience realise the difference between the crowds at the beginning and the end of the film showing how the nation became one. Clint Eastwood has shown the change of the nation through the Springboks by starting the film with distinctive separation between the two sides. By the middle, the Springboks have started to make small changes to unite the nation. By the end of the movie, it is clear that the Springboks are fundamental in making a large difference in uniting the nation. Word Count – 922

Saturday, September 14, 2019

African American English Essay

When it comes to arguing whether African-American English/Ebonics, enriches or contaminates Standard English, most of the negative tone that African-American English gets comes from an educational stand point. One argument teachers, who do not believe in using Ebonics, use is that there is no place for Ebonics in the class room. Stacey Thomas, in her article â€Å"Ebonics and the African-American Student: Why Ebonics Has a Place in the Classroom† writes that teachers can use Ebonics as a way to facilitate the learning of Standard English to African American students. In order to use Ebonics as a vehicle to teaching Standard English, teachers must be bilingual; meaning they most know both Ebonics and Standard English. Thomas states, â€Å"†¦once students see and comprehend the differences between Standard English and Ebonics in terms of structure and syntax, they display a great[er] understanding in Standard English, and as a result, decrease their use of Ebonics† Ebonics and the African-American Student (6). In other words, by working on activities where students have to compare both Ebonics and Standard English, students’ knowledge of Standard English is increasing and their use of Ebonics is decreasing. Another arguments teachers use against Ebonics is that it obstructs the academic potential of African-Americans. Thomas goes further on by stating the Oakland school board Ebonics issue. In 1996, the Oakland, California school board started using Ebonics as a way to teach to African American students whose grades were lower than other ethnicities. As a result of using Ebonics as a vehicle to teaching, Thomas states, â€Å"the Oakland School District’s use of Ebonics in the classroom, [and] the students’ performance in reading and wring has improved†¦ the students have tested above district averages there was a in reading and writing skills† Ebonics and the African-American Student (6). So not only is the teaching of Ebonics facilitating school work for students, but it is also increasing their grades. Ebonics, a language that is stereotyped as ignorant and uneducated, is now becoming a great tool for educating students.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Regal Marine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Regal Marine - Essay Example The product life cycle has four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. During the introduction stage sales are low because there are few customers buying the product (Netmba, 2011). The product needs advertising in order to attract new customers. The profits during this stage are nonexistent due to the fact that expenses are high and sales are slow. Regal Marine losses money when new boats are introduced, but eventually if the products survives and stays in the market during its entire product life cycle the firm generates a profit from the model. The maximum amounts of profits are generated during the growth stage. The growth stage of the product life cycle is considered a period of rapid market acceptance and substantial profit improvement (Kotler, 2003). Regal Marine should produce a lot of units during this stage. Investments made in advertising during this stage have a high return. The third stage of the product life cycle is the maturity stage. Competition is high during this stage which causes sales to decline (Valuebasedmanagement, 2011).The firm should lower its advertising expenses during this stage because the product is well known. The final stage, declining, is a period of downward sales and eroding profits. At the end of the declining stage the boats model is taken off the market.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tourism in Western Australia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tourism in Western Australia - Assignment Example The communication strategy of Western Australian Tourism is to support an accountable and open two-way communication process with customers, partners, staff and stakeholders. The communications strategy will include the following stages; Communication objective The objective of the communications strategy is to work efficiently and productively as well as understand the planning process. Also, the objective will include ensuring that all departments and functions of the organization are comprehensible and adhere to the strategic goals and objectives set by management (Dwyer, 2011). Setting key organizational message Conflicting messages can lead to a confused communication and perception among employees and management. Hence, it is essential that a particular message is spread across all departments and is repeated frequently. Some of the key messages that WA tourism can propagate are its long-term strategic goals, revamping of the department’s roles and responsibilities, immediate one year, two year and five year plans and strategic stages in these plans. Prioritizing and defining the key stakeholders Prioritizing the key stakeholders is a critical stage in stakeholders’ management, which leads to better communication and planning. Stakeholders should be segregated according to their involvement and importance in the planning and decision asking processes (Department of Planning and community development, n.d). For instance, customers and visitors should be positioned as top priority as well as involved in the communication process more often.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Impact of Fruit Juices on the Dental Erosion in Human Tooth Enamel Research Paper - 1

The Impact of Fruit Juices on the Dental Erosion in Human Tooth Enamel - Research Paper Example The difference in the degree of teeth erosion between the adult permanent teeth and the baby primary teeth will also be stressed in this project. The effect of orange juice acid on the dental tubules will also be clearly demonstrated in the experimental project. This is because the two teeth have a different structure and chemical make up and hence respond differently to any form of chemical erosion on their part. Project Aim The use of Scanning Electron Microscope images (SEM) was employed to present a clearer view of the macroscopic effects of the erosive effects of the acid, present in orange juice, on the teeth’s surface. The effects of the obliteration of the dentinal tubules are also clearly evidenced in the SEM images. SEM Analysis of Tooth Enamel The images used in the experiment were taken using a Scanning Electron Microscope. The teeth were placed in a horizontal position, and care was taken to ensure that there was zero degree of tilt. After that, the SEM image pict ures were taken at two different magnification levels of 10Â µm and 200Â µm for teeth in both categories of adult and primary. The electron acceleration that was used in the experiment was relatively low at 15.0kV and the working distance ranging from between 4.5mm to 7.0mm for both sets of adult and primary teeth depending on the overall size of the tooth. The Images taken by the microscope were then digitized with the help of SEM Image Slave software in order to obtain the quality images displayed1. The use of both back scattered and secondary electrons was employed to produce images. The SEM images in fig 1.4 show the surface of the adult tooth to be rough and scattered with many surface wide fissures and niches. The SEM image in fig 3.3 of the primary tooth shows the baby tooth to be covered with different size and number of particles, which are suggestive of different types of abrasive changes on the biting surface2. Discussion of the SEM Images Analysis of the Scanning Elect ron Microscope (SEM) Samples From the Scanning Electron Microscope image of the controlled tooth without any effect in fig 2.1, it can clearly be seen that there is an overall erosion of the entire smear layer of the tooth after its immersion in orange juice. The appearance of macroscopic lesions on the surface of the tooth after its immersion in orange juice is a clear indication of the erosive nature of the liquid. The result obtained is not much different from the one shown in the fig 1.1 of controlled tooth 1, which shows a normal human tooth viewed at 200Â µm; the tooth appears to be normal with a few deep lesions on its surface that can be ascribed to characteristic wear and tear due to the tooth’s normal activities while in the oral cavity. The surface appears to be smooth and not suffering from signs of any previous tooth erosion or any other tooth defect3. The figure 1.2 of controlled tooth 2 viewed at 200Â µm shows a normally developed adult permanent tooth. The t ooth appears to be normal with a few deep lesions on its surface. The tooth also seems to have more pronounced chipping as compared to the previous tooth in figure 1.1. No dental caries or any other defect can be detected on the tooth’s surface. The figure 1.3 of controlled tooth 3 that is being viewed at a magnification level of 10Â µm shows a clear lesion on the tooth’

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Obama Housing Refinance Proposal and Program Essay

Obama Housing Refinance Proposal and Program - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that President Obama announced a new plan to help struggling homeowners who are current on their mortgages, but underwater by refinancing. Mortgage rates are currently at historical lows and Obama would like to make refinancing into these historic rates available to more homeowners across the country. Obama anticipates providing relief to about 3.5 million people with underwater mortgages. Obama expect the average homeowner to save roughly $300-$500 a month by refinancing into these new low rates. He explained that refinancing would help free up additional money for consumers, therefore helping to stimulate the economy. Obama faces stiff opposition from Republicans in Congress on his refinancing plan, which must first pass congress. United States is known as the ‘land of opportunities’ and people from all over the world come to the country in hope of a better future. But this land of opportunities is facing some serious crisis lately. The financial crisis of 2008 has hit the country badly and has affected the majority of the population. Approximately 11 million people are suffering from serious financial watershed and they cannot even afford a proper shelter to live in. The reason for these problems in the United States and the attempts that American President Barack Obama made to ease the issues of the citizens will be discussed in this paper. The residents of the United States were mortgaged in large numbers and therefore the collapse of the housing market forced many people out on the streets. The homeowners were to pay off the amount of money that was worth more than their houses which was due to the decrease in property rates all over the country. This is where the decision maker Obama stepped in. He decided to revise the Housing Refinance Proposal that would bring out the homeowners from their misery. Previous Financing Policies The United States government is well known for their ex tra ordinary Housing Finance Policies. The housing policies of the country are considered as standards for the less developed countries. Let’s discuss briefly about the previous Financing Policies that were implemented by the United States government. The United States Housing Policy allowed residents to have tax deductable interest payments. This practice is unique because a certain amount of tax is always applied on the interest payments for loans in different parts of the world (Barth, et. al.178). The deduction of tax meant a great assistance for the house owners of the country. Furthermore, the United States government also set up an organization that would be responsible for providing securities to the loan borrowers. The organization was named as the Federal Housing Administration and the FHA was there to handle the security issues. Therefore no one was denied a loan because of absence of security or collateral. Unfortunately the policies that were devised by the US go vernment did not work even though they contained some points that were exemplary for the rest of the world. The Housing Policy of the US failed dramatically because every other person was given loans that they couldn’t afford. The assumption behind the policies was that property prices will continue to increase in future. The reason behind the failure was also the benefits provided to the borrowers. Giving loans without proper collaterals was a big mistake of US administration. Issues of the existing policies and poverty of people The policies that were set up by the US government were for the prosperity of the homeowners. US being a democratic nation, prevailing policies were not appreciated by all. Many banks austerely protested against the deduction of tax. According to their point of view, excluding the tax would not be fruitful for the banks in the long run. Also the numbers of the customers getting loans certainly increased as a result of these policies. This resulted i n more

Monday, September 9, 2019

Individual report - Be able to develop a communications process Research Paper

Individual report - Be able to develop a communications process - Research Paper Example These are basically computer based and internet linked. Social media has created a buzz in every industry. All industries including the airline industry has adopted the use of social media in their business and marketing process. The reason why social media gained the hype is that these media permit interactive exchange with the end users (Gerson, 2010). The exercise of this type of media in corporate internal and external communication has changed every aspect in airline industry. Emirates, a Dubai based airlines, wholly owned by the government of Dubai, has embraced social media approach for marketing and communication and also for crisis management when the airlines face bad weather conditions. In 2011, Emirates hired a digital agency that developed a Facebook page for the carrier. This was the initial step for the carrier towards the social media footprint (Rahal, 2010). The main goal behind this move is to develop a â€Å"touching connection† with the customers and contac t maximum number of customers who use airlines as their mode of travel. The initiative provided a platform for the carrier to make a channel for greater convenience through which the customers can reach the airlines. The brand became well known and prestigious among the mass and the carrier got brand loyal customers (Bilal, 2011). Emirates had also launched 29 whimsical animated ads in 14 languages to show the lighter side of language. The animated ads were the next step of the global airline’s â€Å"Share a Smile’ campaign and was the part of the global brand campaign known as â€Å"Hello Tomorrow† launched in April 2012. The ads featured crew members of Emirates who were expressing unusual greetings and expressions from all over the world. The â€Å"Share a Smile† campaign not only created communication of linguistic skills among the multilingual crew and international crew it also helped in building cultural understanding in a light- hearted way among st travellers (Kimberley, 2013). Task 3.2: Problems faced in communication process and ways to improve it The goal of advertising is not only to alter the demand curve but also to shift the curve upward and to the right. For an industry it means that it either brings in new customers in to the market or encourages the existing customers to use the service more frequently whenever needed. For an airline, the demand can increase if the passengers of competitors shift to their airlines (Kraft, 2003). This results in competitive advertising where all the airline companies are advertising to retain their market share. Some airline companies’ gives stress upon the reliability, comfort and convenience of air travel and some purely gives stress on the non-existent advantage that they have (Van, 2012). The advertisements in Facebook and the animated ads are provided by Emirates to give travelers specific information about the scheduling and the price. Though the advertisements in Face book and the animated ads attracted customers to the carrier but it failed to achieve success in long term because of the problem faced by Emirates (Shearman, 2011).The problems that are faced in the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Civilization in China according to the Bodley Profile of Imperial Essay

Civilization in China according to the Bodley Profile of Imperial Cultures - Essay Example The Chinese civilization is described by the author as for where the domestic put in order into the ethnic group or when people systematize into empires and realm, the comparative disparity amid leaders and common herd relics invariable on a very normal level. On the other hand, the sum of authority and the importance of possessions detained by leaders of China detonate at the same time as the poor knowledge more and more immense dissimilarity. The authority of the Chinese people increases the level and also gives particulars on the superior point of stratification within additional multifaceted civilization. The author however does suggest that in Chinese civilization when the Kingdom and the inequality between the rich and the poor existed that was not right and with the intention of to make the world of evenhandedness and equal opportunity the Chinese people tried to construct optimal-scale civilization, which contained a degree of space among, deprived and wealthy. The Chinese civilization has been defined by a lot of people in a lot of different ways. Chinese evolution consisted of a hodgepodge of quite a lot of militaristic states; each one of them was faint by a king, duke, marquis, or else earl. Even though there was the main king who apprehended supposed authority, and influential control from time to time held by substantial power, every state in China was faint as a self-governing opinionated body. The Chinese civilization was at that time at the early stages of Confucian attitude in addition to that of a lot of other viewpoints that very much was predisposed Chinese way of existence or political consideration. China was one of the solitary states where the most basic middle of human civilization. China was one of the most highly developed civilizations in the human race in skill, prose, and ability, even though revolutionize was extremely slow but sure and taken at the edge off by Imperial authority.  

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Classroom Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classroom Scenario - Essay Example Mr. Hamilton should meet with Danny’s parents and inform them what role they can play in improving Danny’s academic performance. This includes monitoring Danny’s activities at home, providing Danny with a proper place to focus his attention, and linking timely completed homework with rewards. It is vital that Danny’s parents adopt the same approach that Mr. Hamilton has adopted i.e. praising Danny at the display of good performance, and look disappointed at poor performance and yet, encourage him to do better next time rather than scold him. The monitoring system that can help determine the effectiveness of the instructional interventions should comprise both behavioral assessment and performance assessment. â€Å"Prereferral intervention strategies are generally determined by a committee of general education teachers before any specialists are included in the plan† (D’Amico and Gallaway, 2008, p. 4). For optimal performance, it is imperative that Danny feels satisfied and happy with the monitoring system. One way to achieve this is by gauging what intervention strategies Danny feels comfortable with. Instructional interventions can also be established by way of mutual consensus between Mr. Hamilton, Danny, and Danny’s

The Interpretation of Dreams Essay Example for Free

The Interpretation of Dreams Essay Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 and died in 1939. He was an Austrian psychologist who marked the beginning of a modern psychology by providing the first well-organized explanation of the inner mental forces determining human behaviour. Sigmund Freud is universally considered the father of psychoanalysis and many date the birth of pychoanalystic theory from the 1899 publication of The Interpretation of Dreams ; which sold a minimal number of copies and received a number of copies and received a number of mixed reviews. The book introduces Freud? Theory of the unconscious with respect to dream interpretation and also first discusses what would later become the theory of the â€Å"Oedipus Complex†. Throughout the book, Freyd analyzes his own dreams as examples to prove his new theory of the psychology of dreams. He posits that all dreams represented the fulfillment of a wish on the part of the dreamer and nightmares are expressions of unconscious desires. â€Å"[ ] every dream turns out to be meaningful, psychical formation which can be given an identifiable place in what goes on within our walking life [ † He considered the interpretation of the dream an unexplored science which only Aristotle had investigated about in his book: On dreams and dream interpretation. Freud asserts that, contrary to the reigning scientific opinion, he will prove that is possible to interpret dreams using a scientific method. Freud makes an important distinction between the conscious and the unconscious mind: The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. The unconscious mind contains our biologically based instincts fot the primitive urges for sex and agression. It con ins all sorts of significant and disturbing material which we need to keep out of awareness because they are too threatening to acknowledge fully. There is another type that is; the subconscious mind which contains thoughts and feelings that a person is not currently aware of, but which can easily be brought to consciousness. It exists just below the level of consciousness before the unconscious mind. This is what we mean in our everyday usage of the world avaliable memory. Freud applied these systems to his structure of the personality, or psyche – the id,ego and superego. Freud also regarded the mind to be like an iceberg, where the greatest part is hidden beneath the water or unconscious.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Theoretical methodologies Essay Example for Free

Theoretical methodologies Essay Research Design Population The population to test the hypothesis is a group of 102 students’ data collected from various universities across the United States. The sampling included a systematic random sampling method to ensure that students from all kinds of universities and economic and academic backgrounds – the focus was to ensure that the sample was free from biases and reflected as closely as possible the true student population of the United States university students. The age range for the collected sample ranged from 18 to 24. As many as 10 different universities were represented in the sample of 102 students and the economic status of the students was kept anonymous assuming that it was normally distributed. The next step was to gather the number of hours they spent studying. This was done by providing to them an hourly description document of their activities attached in the appendix. From that the number of hours studied was keyed off and stored for corresponding GPA entry. The GPAs were obtained from the career counselors of the universities – to ensure the accuracy and the authenticity of the data. The methodology used by Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2007) is complex; it involves establishing the exogeneity of the factors that might affect the causal relationship of studying to academic average and was unique to the study since the research setting had a more controlled and rigid atmosphere than most colleges that made the experiment possible. Prior to the study, the researchers had gathered longitudinal data about student’s academic and personal life in the campus and used the said data to build a model of the typical college student’s habits and behavior. Methodology Used Since the relationship between increase in hours of study and GPA increase is proportional (could be either linear or exponential), we will use regression testing to establish the conclusion as to whether the relationship is significantly strong enough (causative) or not. Research Question: â€Å"Is there a positive relationship between the number of hours spent by a student studying and the GPA obtained by the student? † Data Analysis The ordered pairs for the correlation coefficient will be as follows: [Hours spent on Studying, GPA]. The dataset is as follows: Hours Spent GPA Hours Spent GPA Hours Spent GPA 0 3. 00 2 1. 71 2 3. 83 1 1. 67 2 2. 59 0 2. 01 1 1. 30 3 3. 36 1 1. 09 6 1. 34 1 1. 28 5 2. 59 2 1. 25 0 3. 17 0 2. 74 5 3. 85 4 1. 11 1 1. 47 2 2. 36 3 3. 95 1 1. 08 3 2. 93 0 3. 44 5 2. 26 3 1. 74 0 2. 88 4 3. 04 3 3. 55 1 2. 87 4 1. 95 1 1. 22 3 2. 26 0 3. 42 2 3.49 3 3. 09 1 3. 19 3 3. 76 0 1. 03 3 2. 27 5 2. 56 5 3. 76 2 3. 71 6 2. 50 1 1. 87 4 2. 40 6 2. 59 6 3. 68 1 1. 26 2 1. 29 0 1. 00 4 3. 27 2 3. 42 2 2. 45 2 1. 74 5 2. 37 0 2. 66 1 2. 25 4 1. 31 5 1. 13 2 2. 56 3 3. 00 5 3. 05 5 2. 67 0 3. 22 2 2. 73 0 1. 72 5 3. 34 4 3. 71 5 2. 80 4 3. 65 5 1. 52 2 1. 25.5 2. 14 4 1. 98 1 3. 30 0 3. 75 2 3. 09 6 2. 17 0 2. 75 3 2. 62 6 2. 69 0 2. 29 1 3. 42 6 2. 06 5 2. 70 4 1. 51 6 1. 93 0 2. 85 1 3. 36 6 2. 18 0 1. 87 0 2. 90 1 3. 79 4 3. 61 4 3. 13 3 3. 13 0 2. 38 1 3. 14 2 2. 37 5 3. 38 3 2. 38 0 1. 01. This is based on the assumption that the number of hours spent on studying is the determinant of the GPA obtained by a student. This leads to the proposition that age is the independent variable and money spent on an automobile is the dependent variable. A total of 80 ordered pairs of age and money spent on an automobile are available in the dataset. The following is the scatter plot obtained for the data: Even a rough glance at the scatter plot will tell a non-statistician that there is a no linear relationship or causative association between the two variables. However, for the purpose of our study, we will complete the steps necessary to form a conclusion. Using the CORREL function in Excel, the value for the correlation co-efficient was: Analysis of the dataset using linear regression model led to following regression equation: Based on the values of the gradient and slope in the equation above and the correlation coefficient, one can easily conclude that the dataset seems to reflect upon the fact that there is a vague causative relationship between the number of hours spent studying by a student and their GPA. However, it is important to test this hypothesis and make a conclusion on the basis of statistical techniques. Hypothesis Testing On the basis of the above obtained difference in the calculated and tabulated statistics, we can conclude that there is a positive relationship between the number of hours spent studying by a student and their GPA. Though weak it can be predicted by the following equation: Findings It was found from statistical testing that the calculated statistics (from the dataset) lay outside the region of acceptance. This forced us to reject the hypothesis that there is absolutely no relationship between the two variables. Though weak (in terms of the gradients), the relationship exists, is incremental (positive) and suggests that the student not putting any hours of study will end up having a GPA of 2. 448 (put x=0). The graphical conclusions cannot be accepted as they, when accompanied by the trend line, seem themselves not enough to undermine a conclusion. The t-statistic testing was the best method to test the data and the conclusion is subtle, assuming that the data collected was free from errors and biases. Conclusion. The statistical regression testing applied on the dataset suggests that there is a weak positive causative relationship associated with the students’ study hours and GPA. It forces the conclusion drawn from this study to be: the higher the number of hours spent by students studying, the higher will their GPA be. Even though the incremental GPA due to an additional hour of study is not significantly high, we cannot conclude that there is no relationship between the two (although the graph seems to suggest this on visual perception). Taking the theory into account that slow and steady wins the race, we can assume the fact that students who spent in time studying generally have better GPAs than other students who either rely on their intelligence to get them across or other weaker students who are careless about studying. The scope of this research was limited and the results therefore are limited for interpretation. A better research carried out across more schools and more students definitely would promise better results in future undertaken by any other researcher. But for the moment, we can conclude that there is a positive causative relationship between the number of hours studied and GPA for university students in the US. Works Cited Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: The correlation between video game usage and academic performance markers . CyberPsychology Behavior, 10(4): 552-559. Babbie, E. (2004). The Practice of Social Research, 10th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, Thomson Learning Inc. Hill, L. (1991). Effort and Reward in College: A Replication of Some Puzzling Findings. † In James W. Neuliep (ed), Replication Research in the Social Science. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, pp. 139-56. Rau, W. Durand, A. (2000). The academic ethic and college grades: Does hard work help students to ‘make the grade’? Sociology of Education, 73:19-38. Rivkin, S. , Hanushek, E. Kain, J. (2005). Teachers, school, and academic achievement. Econometrica, 73(2), 417-458. Schuman, H. , Walsh, E. , Olson, C. Etheridge, B. (1985). Effort and reward: The assumption that college grades are affected by the quantity of study. Social Forces, 63:945-66. Stinebrickner, T. Stinebrickner, R. (2004). Time-use and college outcomes. Journal of Econometrics, 121(1-2), 243-269. Stinebrickner, T. Stinebrickner, R. (2007). The causal effect of studying on academic performance. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, No. 13341. Walpole, R. E. (2002). Introductory Statistics. Los Angeles: Kraft Publishers. Weiss, N. A. (1984). Introductory Statistics, 5th Edition. New York: CRC Press. Appendix Time Period What were you doing? 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 MN 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM.