Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Conversation of Authors and Scriptures Personal Statement

A Conversation of Authors and Scriptures - Personal Statement Example I'm enthusiastic in comprehending what exactly happens when someone is writing and how I can learn the art of writing. By the way, I realize that every author is keen about the choice of words and, according to Stevenson, "the first merit which attracts in the pages of a good author, or the talk of a brilliant conversationalist, is the apt choice and contrast of words employed." (Stevenson, 2) Therefore, every author will be very careful about the choice of their words and other such techniques. Teacher: You said it exactly. Writing is an art which every student needs to comprehend during his or her course of study and I really appreciate your efforts to learn the process of writing. Writing is also a cognitive process and every writer makes several revisions to his/her writing. It is also important for the beginners to concentrate on bringing judgments based on their own experience in writing. Let us remember that "Sommers notes the disparity between how writing textbooks teach composting and how experienced writers really compose and she calls for careful research into cognitive processes in writing In "I Stand Here Writing" (1993), Sommers again emphasizes that students should bring judgments based on their own experience to their writing of academic essays." (Babin and Harrison, 95) Therefore, the student authors should be cautious about producing their strong voices in their writing and about the process of making revisions. That is to say, the students, following the a dults, need to revise at the global level rather than revising at word or sentence level. Sommers: Of course, what all things the teacher told you are greatly useful to the student writers. In fact, they are the results of my important research on students' writing practices. As I can state from my personal experience, there is the immense relationship between a writer's personal life and his/her writing. A writer also should have, like Roland Barthes had, an urge toward scientific enquiry and a strong desire to write. "There is in Barthes, although not stressed either by him or his commentators, a strong, spontaneous and optimistic urge toward scientific enquiry According to a logic the crucial moment is not so much the finished product, the oeuvre, as the activity of writing, the idea of writing, and above all, the desire to write. And despite his widely admired performance as a stylist, it is only because Barthes shares this attitude that he claims recognition as a poet himself" (Lavers, 32) Barthes: Yeah, you are obviously right Sommers. However, you need to emphasize my important point: my critique of the French classical style of writing. In my book Writing Degree Zero, I "was concerned with the French classical style of writing. This style, which emerged in court society in the seventeenth century, prided itself upon clarity and preciseness of expression, and set itself up as a universal model of standard for all writing." (Strinati, 98) However, I realized that the French classicism was neither neutral nor natural and inevitable. My book Writing Degree Zero developed a style which rejects the idea of politically committed writing and values colourless, transparent, neutral, blank and impersonal writing style.     Ã‚  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Examining The Social Justice Issue And Human Trafficking Criminology Essay

Examining The Social Justice Issue And Human Trafficking Criminology Essay A social justice issue that is a global issue is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a wide spread issue that is affecting many third world countries and developing countries. Human trafficking has become an international concern. One country in particular that is affected by this issue is Thailand. Human trafficking is the trade for woman and children which is similar to slavery. The woman and children can be fooled into human trafficking and can be forced to work for low wages and forced into prostitution. Human trafficking of woman and children started during the Vietnam War (Womens International Network News, 2003). Beginning in the 1980s Thai women began moving to European countries to get involved in the entertainment business which shortly transformed into the trafficking of woman for sexual exploitation (Womens International Network News, 2003). Women and girls were being trafficked all over Europe for prostitution and for the mail order bride business. Woman and children trafficked into Thailand were from Burma, Cambodia, South China, and Laos (Womens International Network News, 2000). During the 1990s around 400,000 woman and children were being trafficked in and out of Thailand (Womens International Network News, 2003). Thailands most known universal problem is prostitution. Thailands Public Health Department estimates that there are about 75,000 prostitutes in Thailand (Womens International Network News, 94). The majority of women involved in prostitution come from poor rural areas. These women have little to no economic opportunities in their home villages and turn to working as prostitutes in urban areas as a way of fulfilling obligations and improving the standard of living for themselves and their families (Womens International Network News, 94). Majority of northern Thai girls turn to prostitution because they feel that they need to repay their parents for giving birth to them and providing them with what they have so far in their lives. The religion that most Thai citizens practice is Buddhism. The Buddhist belief system in northern Thailand is part of the reason for the approval of prostitution. Thai Buddhists believe that each persons soul inhabits many physical bodies over time, with the quality of each life influenced by the souls store of merit (Bower, 2005). Prostitution performed out of the need to aid ones family builds up merit, despite the nature of the job itself (Bower, 2005). In Thailand the first born daughter commonly stays home to help her parents in the home. The second born daughter is traditionally the familys financial helper who turns to any job that they can get. The last born daughter generally receives a higher education than her other sisters (Bower, 2005). Thai Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) estimate that about twenty thousand Burmese women and girls are involved in forced prostitution and half are new recruits that are brought in every year (Womens International Network News, 1994). They women and children normally end up being sent back to Burma after a year or two because they want new recruits. Burmese women and girls make up an estimated 800,000 to 2 million prostitutes that are working in Thailand (Womens International Network News, 1994). Thailand government is guilty of complicity in the trafficking of Burmese women and girls into Thailand for forced prostitution. The Thai government has been failing numerously to punish their own officials and others who are engaged or profit from sex trade (Womens International Network News, 1994). In 1993 the royal Thai government began wrongfully arresting and sending back hundreds of Burmese victims, in violation of Thailands obligations under national and international law instead of punishing officials who are involved. The Burmese women and girls work ten to eighteen hours a day, twenty-five days a month with anywhere from 5-15 clients a day (Womens International Network News, 1994). The women and children were receiving little information pertaining to health care and birth control. Most of the women and girls are virgins when they enter and become HIV positive when they leave. Majority of the prostitutes clients are Thai police officers. Some of the brothels are located near police stations and witness brothel owners paying protection money to local police (Womens International Network News, 94). In 1992 The Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai declared that they would become stricter with official involvement in prostitution (Womens International Network News, 94). Unfortunately this did not include brothel owners, recruiters and pimps from punishment. Authorities were arresting the victims of prostitution and were detaining and abusing them before deporting them. Few women and girls have been rescued and housed by local NGOs prior to their return to Burma (Womens International Network News, 94). The people involved in sex trafficking view women as a cash crop to be exploited and they help with foreign exchange dollars and help pay on the foreign debt. In 1996 an estimate of 6 million sex tourists from all over the world brought in almost 30 billion dollars which is thirteen times more than they make building and exporting computers in Thailand (Leuchtag, 2003). The United Nations has reported that an estimate of 5 to 7 billion dollars a year the sex trafficking business makes. The United Nations believes that about 4 million woman and children and moved illegally from country to country annually. They also estimate that thirty percent of the children being trafficked are minors and a large number may even be under the age of thirteen. During the 1990s, Thailand laws declared that fifteen was the age of consent. A child of the age of twelve to fifteen years old who got paid for sex was viewed as acceptable to abuse them, with or without their consent (Arnold, Bertone, 2002). Italian, Camorra, Chinenese, Triads, Russian Mafia, and Japanese Yakuza are criminal syndicates who are very powerful and have much involvement in the sex trafficking trade of woman and children (Leuchtag, 2003). . These criminal syndicates operate globally and traffick woman from all over the world and bring them in and out of different countries (Leuchtag, 2003). In 1996 a bill was passed on suppression and prostitution of adult woman. Women who were found to be involved in prostitution would be fined. Minors found to be involved in prostitution would be rehabilitated and their parents who were involved would get punished as well (Womens International Network News, 2003). A new bill was passed in 1997 the anti-trafficking bill. This bill protected woman and all children. The bill also protects woman and children of other nationalities who are trafficked into Thailand. Even though the bill was passed traffickers found new ways to recruit women and get them across borders and into work (Womens International Network News, 2003). An international law was enforced that began in 1999 and took enforcement in 2000. The law was an agreed definition of what human trafficking is that took place between 120 countries. The countries wanted to separate issues of trafficking and issues of prostitution (Leuchtag, 2003). The countries also came to an agreemen t on how to prosecute, protect women and children from partaking in trafficking and prostitution, and prevention mechanisms. Once the law was decided the Thai government introduced a memorandum of understanding for the treatment of trafficking of woman and children. It was for the government to take responsibility and legal actions against trafficking and supply assistance for those that have been involved in trafficking (Womens International Network News, 2003). There is a government assistance bill that covers woman who are migrated from another country into Thailand (Womens International Network News, 2003). In 2000 The United Nations created the first legislation to put an end to international human trafficking (Womens International Network News, 2000). The protocol asks for states to cooperate against international organized crime, and for the victims of trafficking to stay in the country they were trafficked to and to enforce laws against sex trade (Womens International Networ k News, 2000). The law defines trafficking as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms coercion, of abduction of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power, or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation (Leuchtag, 2003). In early 2000 a non-governmental organization (NGO) called Project Hope International was created. The NGO is based in Washington, D.C. Project Hope International fights against child sexual exploitation and trafficking of girls and women into the international sex trade (Arnold, Bertone, 2002). The goal of Project Hope International is to communicate between the Thai NGOs and the U.S. government, and American NGOs and the Thai government (Arnold, Bertone, 2002). The organization also would like to facilitate the flow of accurate information. In Thailand there has been a steady decrease in the numbers of Thai women and girls in the sex trade, and an increase in the numbers of females from neighboring countries (Arnold, Bertone, 2002). The reason for the decline is because of positive economic development in Thailand (Arnold, Bertone, 2002). In 2003 investigators entered into one of the provincial capitals brothels searching for women and children trafficked from neighboring Burma (Montlake, 2003). The officials found the owner/owners of the brothel and they were taken into police custody. Six of the 29 women rescued were minors and more than half had been forced into prostitution (Montlake, 2003). Some of the women didnt feel like they were rescued because the money they made was lost and this prevented them from making more money. The U.S., other countries and nations are lending support to anti-trafficking initiatives in Thailand (Montlake, 2003). Since 2000, the U.S. has spent an estimate of atleast $100 million on anti-trafficking aid. Thailands has been improving the way they approach and treat women from other countries caught in trafficking raids. Anti- trafficking organizations next focus will be to bring to justice criminals who profit from human trafficking (Montlake, 2003). The traffickers who dont get caught or do and get away with it without any punishment will turn to finding new women to replace those rescued. Activist report that majority of the women who are rescued return to Thailand and that it is not uncommon for the women or girls to be rescued several times (Montlake, 2003). There are two steps to trafficking. Step one is village to foreign country and step two is town to foreign country. Currently sex traffickers are using the one step pattern to traffick woman and girls (Womens International Network News, 2003). The Thai government has set up a national committee of government organizations and non-government organizations to make policies on trafficking. The Thai government has been working with international and regional agencies to compose against trafficking (Womens International Network News, 2003). Human trafficking is an issue that goes against the feminist theory. The feminist theory involves the liberation of women and girls from discrimination based on gender (Kirst-Ashman, 2008). The main goal or purpose is self-determination for women and girls. There are major themes that follow the feminist theories such as, gender lens, patriarchy, empowerment, consciousness raising, personal is political, importance of process, unity in diversity, and validation (Kirst-Ashman, 2008). Thailand does not follow this theory at all. Women are mistreated and not given much of an option of whether or not they want to become a sex slave or prostitute. In most areas of Thailand women dont have many economic choices for work or their family expects them to turn to sex trafficking/prostitution. It seems like in Thailand they are not educating citizens in school or in general about empowerment and equality of women. It seems that it is a norm for women to turn to sex trade to make money for thems elves and to repay their families. The government and other countries have been trying to enforce and initiate laws to stop trafficking and for women to have human rights as men of Thailand have. Starting in the mid 1990s Thai women wanted to get involved and work closely with non-governmental organizations because of the trafficking of woman and children movement. Women have been getting involved to protect themselves but other people need to jump onboard to help make changes and to make laws permanent and to reinforce them. Women in Thailand in most cases have equal rights in the areas of education, matrimonial property, and the right to choose habitation and employment, and child custody. Laws against prostitution in Thailand continue to not be effectively enforced (Womens International Network News, 94). In majority of the cases of prostitution brothels will pay off local government representatives and police. Poor legislation, police corruption, and cultural norms are commonly blamed for the lack of necessary measures needed to be taken against prostitution (Womens International Network News, 94). Women in Thailand face discrimination and harassment because of their work as prostitutes. International cooperation is an essential component between government agencies and between non-governmental organizations to ensure that agents and brothel owners involved in trafficking across national borders are arrested and prosecuted, and that women who have been trafficked are given the proper assistance and help needed (Womens International Network News, 97). Recommendations to Combat International Traffic in Women is a womens foundation that is involved in preventing trafficking of women and to help the women who have been involved in trafficking (Womens International Network News, 97). From the help from Feminist human rights activist and organizations women have begun to confront their situation and conditions, leave prostitution, speak out against it, reveal their experience, and help other women and children leave as they did ( Leuchtag, 2003). Sex and forced labor trafficking is considered slave trade of the twenty-first century and the greatest human rights test (Stone, 2005). Since 2003, 150 countries have signed the legislation and governments, international agencies, and local non-governmental organizations continue to introduce and start national and regional programs to stop trafficking (Womens International Network News, 2003). Today human trafficking continues to be an issue unresolved. Governments from all over the world need to come together and come up with different approaches to continue to gradually diminish this global issue. Human rights should continue to grow as sex trafficking is prohibited. Nongovernmental organizations today are well-organized, well-established, and well-respected in and outside of Thailand. They have learned to work together with international organizations and networking (Segrave, Milivojevic, 2005). Putting an end to prostitution and women being sexually exploited will give women mo re dignity, increase in human rights, and will be more respected by men.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Custom Essay - Sexuality and Sexual Intercourse in A Midsummer Nights D

Sexuality and Sexual Intercourse in A Midsummer Nights Dream On the surface, Shakespeare’s play A Mid Summer Nights Dream is simply a comedic romp concerning love. A close examination of the actions and words of each of the players will reveal that the primary focus of the play is not really love but rather sexuality and sexual intercourse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hippolyta's nightlife role as Titania is stage-managed by Theseus-Oberon, who gets his will by magical means.   if his own imperial gaze has proved ineffectual, he will capture Titania's gaze and refocus it with an aimlessness that would have gratified Cupid:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The next thing then she waking looks upon,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Be it lion, bear, or wolf, or bull,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Or meddling monkey, or on busy ape,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   She shall pursue it with the soul of love.    This prepares the way not only for an arousal of 'animal love' in Titania but for its consummation in her bower.   The supposed ravishment of Bottom would have to happen offstage, primarily because that is the only place it could have happened.   Titania's bower is not the same as the flower-canopied bank 'where the wild thyme blows' and where according to Oberon, 'sleeps Titania sometime in the night'.   If it were the same, then it is especially easy to believe that no sexual act occurs between the Queen and the Ass.   If such an act should occur, it must be believed that her bower is really in fairyland, which is distant from the wood, and that it is there where Bottom is taken and there where he is ravished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As for the theater, a Titania-jumping Bottom, or a Bottom-jumping Titania, is hardly what Shakespeare could have meant for ... ...f the sadism Hermia's dream attributes to Lysander, and since this is also Hippolyta's 'dream', it represents her anxieties about a Theseus who won her love by doing her injuries.   Oberon not only sees Titania's disgrace, but feels it, and by doing so breaks his charm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unpleasant as Oberon's methods are, we can only judge them by Titania's response. When she wakes up, she is not bitter, but quick to love, 'My Oberon!'.   And, to obey, when he asks for music she immediately cries, 'Music, ho!   Music, such as charmeth sleep!' Works Cited and Consulted Berry, Ralph. Shakespeare’s Comedies. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Greenblatt et al., ed. â€Å"A Midsumer Night’s Dream.†The Norton Shakespeare: Comedies. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1997. Vaughn, Jack A. Shakespeare’s Comedies. New York: Frederick Uncar Publishing Co., 1980.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gene doping: the hype and the reality

Genetic manipulation has produced some potential advantages to be able to alter the cells in animal models of human diseases, which may make disease as a thing of the past and help with the development of better pharmaceutical products in order to extend the human life spans, however, there are still major technological obstacles that require further research to ensure the methods and effects of genetic manipulation. The gene therapy products may not only be beneficial to human diseases, but also to athletes in sports. Some potential targets for gene doping include the induction of muscle hypertrophy, increasing oxygen delivery, and the induction of angiogenesis. Some of them may be undetectable by using current tests. Therefore, in order to prevent athletes from benefiting from novel treatments for diseases, it is important to improve the technology of gene doping and the methods of detection. For some potential targets of gene doping, insulin-like growth factor 1 is an example, which is a protein that can stimulate the proliferation of cells, somatic growth and cellular differentiation. And myostatin is another protein that negatively regulates the muscle mass. Therefore, overexpression of insulin-like growth factor 1 along with the blockade of the action of myostatin may induce the hypertrophy of muscle. Moreover, increasing oxygen delivery is also important for endurance events. In order to increase the delivery of oxygen, erythropoietin can be used to raise the hematocrit because the expression of erythropoietin leads to an increase in the production of red blood cells and hence an increase in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. As a result, it might improve the athletic performance, particularly for endurance athletes. Personally speaking, as a guy, I would like to manipulate the insulin-like growth factor 1 because it can increase the muscle mass and induce the hypertrophy of muscle which can make me look more muscular. Also, it can stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of the cells, which can escape age-related muscle atrophy and retain to be young. That is what everyone wants to be! For gene delivery, the genetic material is transferred into the target cell by using a delivery system called vector. Gene transfer can be divided into ex vivo and in vivo gene transfer. In ex vivo gene transfer, the cells are taken from the individuals to be treated, and then they are genetically modified in the cell culture by using the viral vector, which is more complicated and expensive. For in vivo gene delivery, the vector is prepared with the gene of interest, so this prepared vector can be used to treat many individuals, which costs less. Actually, both methods of gene delivery have their own benefits and limitations; therefore, a comprehensive gene transfer protocol is required to make sure that there is no risk to the individuals.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Promotional mix Essay

Element of the promotional mix for innocent smoothies may include this such as: Advertising is used to communicate with the public about their products and services, this can be expensive and businesses must ensure that they spend their advertising budget carefully methods include: moving image, print, ambient such as advertising on buses, digital and audio. Sales promotion is used to encourage customers to purchase your products or for distribution channels to stock your goods . methods are: price promotion (discounts), coupons, competitions, money refunds, loyalty incentives. Personal selling is when a representative of the company interacts directly with a potential customer using skills called closing a sale. Methods are: face to face, telephone, email, and video or web conferencing. Public relations are activities a business carries out to place information in the media without paying for it directly activities might include: exhibitions, sponsorship and press relations Direct marketing is when a business communicates directly with a customer, establishing an individual relationship between the business and the customer, methods are: direct mail, mail order catalogue, magazines and telemarketing. Advertising is used by innocent most effectively than other methods of the promotional mix, methods of advertising they use is they have links with popular children’s websites such as ‘club penguin’ , Innocent also put adverts on the TV. Another method of advertising Innocent use is that they sell magnets along with their smoothies this is effective as it appeals to their target audience. Innocent use advertising most effectively out of the promotional mix as they appeal to their target audience. Innocent use advertising as they are a new company who need recognition so their TV adverts are memorable and funny and they show their personality this links to matching their target audience well with how they advertise. Innocent use sales promotion effectively as they have used promotions such as the free magnets ad club penguin deals, as if they are linked with things such as club penguin people who use club penguin will be more likely to buy their pouts as I benefits them and linking with a big business like Disney which runs club penguin means that it helps appeal to more of their target audience, while giving them a better image and giving them a funnier personality. The innocent website ad Facebook page work effectively with their sales promotion as it uses fun ad games to promote their products while appealing to their audience at the same time. Innocent also use other methods of the promotional mix such as public relations. Innocent use this to get more sales for example inviting the press to a release of a new product so that they report about it and notify the public this will then help increase their audience ad gain more customers. The press an affect the sales a business makes as if they give a bad review and the company gets bad press they will lose customers instead of gaining them. This is effective because customers can get an unbiased opinion of the products, however it is a risky element of the promotional mix as the product/ company might get a bad review and loose customers but if the public like the product then it will gain sales. Elements of the promotional mix that innocent do not use: Things such as direct marketing and personal selling are not used as effectively by innocent because they sell straight to the store such as Tesco or a wholesaler because it keeps their products staying fresher, they will sell more as they will become more reliable as they are always in the shops unlike Avon which you have to wait weeks until you get your product and chose your products and thy well have a wider customer base, this is why they use advertising so effectively as It continues to get their items bought from the wholesaler. An example of personal selling is a car salesperson persuading you to buy a car, innocent do not use this as it would not be worth it, as they would have to pay for a person to sell the products and they would have to sell a lot before they make a large profit. A person would also have to walk around all day with the produce in the heat which can affect the produce. Innocent don’t use direct marketing as they sell their goods to big supermarkets and they don’t have to sell to the customers so it’s up to the supermarket to tell the customer about the products and deals etc. The promotional mix is used well by innocent as their adverts help get them customers and raise awareness of their brand, and appeal to their target audience. Innocent don’t use direct marketing or persona selling as they don’t sell to the customers personally they sell it to supermarkets instead or the wholesaler. Once they have sold their products to the wholesaler or  supermarkets they no longer will have to sell their produce however they do have to still advertise as they need the customers to want to buy their products from the supermarkets etc. so then the supermarket will continue to stock their brand. They use the distribution channels the way they do to make sure their products stay fresh for the customer and they are kept in good condition and by selling to supermarkets before the customer it will help show their brand to a wider audience and help increase awareness of their brand. The promotional mix used by innocent is appropriate because it has worked and their business is expanding and getting larger, they also have a reliable customer base in England which will help them if they decide to sell in America. This is because they have advertised their business a lot and because of their uses of advertising this means they have a wider audience which ranges from children to adults and any gender.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Overview of Urban Geography

An Overview of Urban Geography Urban geography is a branch of human geography concerned with various aspects of cities. An urban geographers main role is to emphasize location and space and study the spatial processes that create patterns observed in urban areas. To do this, they study the site, evolution and growth, and classification of villages, towns, and cities as well as their location and importance in relation to different regions and cities. Economic, political and social aspects within cities are also important in urban geography. In order to fully understand each of these aspects of a city, urban geography represents a combination of many other fields within geography. Physical geography, for example, is important in understanding why a city is located in a specific area as site and environmental conditions play a large role in whether or not a city develops. Cultural geography can aid in understanding various conditions related to an areas people, while economic geography aids in understanding the types of economic activities and jobs available in an area. Fields outside of geography such as resource management, anthropology, and urban sociology are also important. Definition of a City An essential component within urban geography is defining what a city or urban area actually is. Although a difficult task, urban geographers generally define the city as a concentration of people with a similar way of life-based on job type, cultural preferences, political views, and lifestyle. Specialized land uses, a variety  of different institutions, and use of resources also help in distinguishing one city from another. In addition, urban geographers also work to differentiate areas of different sizes. Because it is hard to find sharp distinctions between areas of different sizes, urban geographers often use the rural-urban continuum to guide their understanding and help classify areas. It takes into account hamlets and villages which are generally considered rural and consist of small, dispersed populations, as well as cities and metropolitan areas considered urban with concentrated, dense populations. History of Urban Geography The earliest studies of urban geography in the United States focused on site and situation. This developed out of the man-land tradition of geography which focused on the impact of nature on humans and vice versa. In the 1920s, Carl Sauer became influential in urban geography as he motivated geographers to study a citys population and economic aspects with regard to its physical location. In addition, central place theory and regional studies focused on the hinterland (the rural outlying are supporting a city with agricultural products and raw materials) and trade areas were also important to early urban geography. Throughout the 1950s and 1970s, geography itself became focused on spatial analysis, quantitative measurements and the use of the scientific method. At the same time, urban geographers began quantitative information like census data to compare different urban areas. Using this data allowed them to do comparative studies of different cities and develop computer-based analysis out of those studies. By the 1970s, urban studies were the leading form of geographic research. Shortly thereafter, behavioral studies began to grow within geography and in urban geography. Proponents of behavioral studies believed that location and spatial characteristics could not be held solely responsible for changes in a city. Instead, changes in a city arise from decisions made by individuals and organizations within the city. By the 1980s, urban geographers became largely concerned with structural aspects of the city related to underlying social, political and economic structures. For example, urban geographers at this time studied how capital investment could foster urban change in various cities. Throughout the late 1980s until today, urban geographers have begun to differentiate themselves from one another, therefore allowing the field to be filled with a number of different viewpoints and focuses. For example, a citys site and situation is still regarded as important to its growth, as is its history and relationship with its physical environment and natural resources. Peoples interactions with each other and political and economic factors are still studied as agents of urban change as well. Themes of Urban Geography Although urban geography has several different focuses and viewpoints, there are two major themes that dominate its study today. The first of these is the study of problems relating to the spatial distribution of cities and the patterns of movement and links that connect them across space. This approach focuses on the city system. The second theme in urban geography today is the study of patterns of distribution and interaction of people and businesses within cities. This theme mainly looks at a citys inner structure and therefore focuses on the city as a system. In order to follow these themes and study cities, urban geographers often break down their research into different levels of analysis. In focusing on the city system, urban geographers must look at the city on the neighborhood and citywide level, as well as how it relates to other cities on a regional, national and global level. To study the city as a system and its inner structure as in the second approach, urban geographers are mainly concerned with the neighborhood and city level. Jobs in Urban Geography Since urban geography is a varied branch of geography that requires a wealth of outside knowledge and expertise on the city, it forms the theoretical basis for a growing number of jobs. According to the Association of American Geographers, a background in urban geography can prepare one for a career in such fields as urban and transportation planning, site selection in business development and real estate development.

Monday, October 21, 2019

When States Seceded During the American Civil War

When States Seceded During the American Civil War The American Civil War was made inevitable when, in response to growing Northern resistance to the practice of slavery, several Southern states began to secede from the union. That process was the end game of a political battle that had been undertaken between the North and South shortly after the American Revolution. The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was the final straw for many southerners. They felt that his goal was to ignore states rights and remove their ability to own slaves. Before it was all over, eleven states seceded from the Union. Four of these (Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee) did not secede until after the Battle of Fort Sumter that occurred on April 12, 1861. Four additional states were Border Slave States that did not secede from the Union: Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. In addition, the area that would become West Virginia was formed on Oct. 24, 1861, when the western portion of Virginia chose to break away from the rest of the state instead of seceding. Order of Secession During the American Civil War The following chart shows the order in which the states seceded from the Union.   State Date of Secession South Carolina December 20, 1860 Mississippi January 9, 1861 Florida January 10, 1861 Alabama January 11, 1861 Georgia January 19, 1861 Louisiana January 26, 1861 Texas February 1, 1861 Virginia April 17, 1861 Arkansas May 6, 1861 North Carolina May 20, 1861 Tennessee June 8, 1861 The Civil War had many causes, and Lincolns election on Nov. 6, 1860, made many in the South feel that their cause was never going to be heard. By the early 19th century, the economy in the South had become dependent on one crop, cotton, and the only way that cotton farming was economically viable was through the use of very inexpensive slave labor. In sharp contrast, the Northern economy was focused on industry rather than agriculture. The Northerners disparaged the practice of slavery but purchased slave-supported cotton from the South, and with it produced finished goods for sale. The South viewed this as hypocritical, and the growing economic disparity between the two sections of the country became untenable for the South. Espousing States Rights   As America expanded, one of the key questions that arose as each territory moved towards statehood would be whether slavery was allowed in the new state. Southerners felt that if they did not get enough slave states, then their interests would be significantly hurt in Congress. This led to issues such as Bleeding Kansas where the decision of whether to be free or slave was left up to the citizens through the concept of popular sovereignty. Fighting ensued with individuals from other states streaming in to try and sway the vote.   In addition, many southerners espoused the idea of states rights. They felt that the federal government should not be able to impose its will on the states. In the early 19th century, John C. Calhoun espoused the idea of nullification, an idea strongly supported in the south. Nullification would have allowed states to decide for themselves if federal actions were unconstitutional- could be nullified- according to their own constitutions. However, the Supreme Court decided against the South and said that nullification was not legal and that the national union was perpetual and would have supreme authority over the individual states. The Call of Abolitionists and the Election of Abraham Lincoln With the appearance of the novel  Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe  and the publication of key abolitionist  newspapers like The Liberator, the call for the abolition of slavery grew stronger in the north. And, with the election of Abraham Lincoln, the South felt that someone who was only interested in Northern interests and anti-slavery would soon be president. South Carolina delivered its  Declaration of the Causes of Secession, and the other states soon followed. The die was set and with the Battle of Fort Sumter on April 12–14,1861, open warfare began.   Sources Abrahamson, James L. The Men of Secession and Civil War, 1859-1861. The American Crisis Series: Books on the Civil War Era, #1. Wilmington, Delaware: Rowman Littlefield, 2000. Print.Egnal, Marc. The Economic Origins of the Civil War. OAH Magazine of History 25.2 (2011): 29–33. Print.McClintock, Russell. Lincoln and the Decision for War: The Northern Response to Secession. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2008. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

4 Steps of Cardiac Conduction

4 Steps of Cardiac Conduction Have you ever wondered what causes your heart to beat? Your heart beats as a result of the generation and conduction of electrical impulses. Cardiac conduction is the rate at which the heart conducts electrical impulses. These impulses cause the heart to contract and then relax. The constant cycle of heart muscle contraction followed by relaxation causes blood to be pumped throughout the body. Cardiac conduction can be influenced by various factors including exercise, temperature, and endocrine system hormones. Step 1: Pacemaker Impulse Generation The first step of cardiac conduction is impulse generation. The sinoatrial (SA) node (also referred to as the pacemaker of the heart) contracts, generating nerve impulses that travel throughout the heart wall. This causes both atria to contract. The SA node is located in the upper wall of the right atrium. It is composed of nodal tissue that has characteristics of both muscle and nervous tissue. Step 2: AV Node Impulse Conduction The atrioventricular (AV) node lies on the right side of the partition that divides the atria, near the bottom of the right atrium. When the impulses from the SA node reach the AV node, they are delayed for about a tenth of a second. This delay allows atria to contract and empty their contents into the ventricles prior to ventricle contraction. Step 3: AV Bundle Impulse Conduction The impulses are then sent down the atrioventricular bundle. This bundle of fibers branches off into two bundles and the impulses are carried down the center of the heart to the left and right ventricles. Step 4: Purkinje Fibers Impulse Conduction At the base of the heart, the atrioventricular bundles start to divide further into Purkinje fibers. When the impulses reach these fibers they trigger the muscle fibers in the ventricles to contract. The right ventricle sends blood to the lungs via the pulmonary artery. The left ventricle pumps blood to the aorta. Cardiac Conduction and the Cardiac Cycle Cardiac conduction is the driving force behind the cardiac cycle. This cycle is the sequence of events that occur when the heart beats. During the diastole phase of the cardiac cycle, the atria and ventricles are relaxed and blood flows into the atria and ventricles. In the systole phase, the ventricles contract sending blood to the rest of the body. Cardiac Conduction System Disorders Disorders of the hearts conduction system can cause problems with the hearts ability to function effectively. These problems are typically the result of a blockage that diminishes the rate of speed at which impulses are conducted. Should this blockage occur in one of the two atrioventricular bundle branches that lead to the ventricles, one ventricle may contract more slowly than the other. Individuals with bundle branch block typically dont experience any symptoms, but this issue can be detected with an electrocardiogram (ECG). A more serious condition, known as heart block, involves the impairment or blockage of electrical signal transmissions between the hearts atria and ventricles. Heart block electrical disorders range from first to third degree and are accompanied by symptoms ranging from light-headedness and dizziness to palpitations and irregular heartbeats.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

English Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

English Literature - Essay Example He argues that the artistic obligation of the black writers is more of engaging with the issues of interests rather than engaging with the stereotypical issues that are assigned by the White society. Though the white society’s notion of the responsibility of the black artists asserts their engagement with black stereotypes, Ellison tends to trace such notion as an â€Å"imposed invisible identity† (Fanon, 1991: 23). Indeed the invisibility of the narrator of Ellison’s novel arises from the society’s notion of ethnicity. The conflict grows between his self-perceived identity and the identity imposed by his society, as the first person narrator of the novel says, â€Å"I am an invisible man. No†¦I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids—and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible; understand, simply because people refuse to see me† (Ellison, 1994: 7). The narrator’s perpetuating blackness reveals a great deal of Ellison’s view of black identity. He is overly obsessed with â€Å"the concept of â€Å"other† and his view of â€Å"other† obviously refers to the white-dominated society† (McSweeney, 1988: 45). According to him, the concept â€Å"otherness† is, in the first place, generated by the white society’s assertion of the black stereotype. Ellison personally believes that submitting to the demand of this â€Å"other† is the loss of one’s own identity. In his another article, â€Å"Art of Fiction† he expresses this view, â€Å"If the Negro, or any other writer, is going to do what is expected of him, he’s lost the battle before he takes the field†. (Ellison, 2003: 212) In some sense, Ellison launches a lethal satire against the stereotyping of African-Americans as ‘black’ by the dominant white culture. For him the assertion of the black stereotype is nothing but the dream of a race-free America, because it essentially asserts the race-dominated view of the black ethnicity. The bizarreness of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Small business in nigeria (management subject) Essay

Small business in nigeria (management subject) - Essay Example Entrepreneurs have a desire to be the master of themselves and have a high degree of commitment. Thus, instead of working for someone else, they choose to start up a small-business of their own. (Longnecker, Moore, Petty J. and Palich, 2005). When it comes to small-business, there is no set definition since different experts tend to define a small business differently. There are many factors through which small businesses are defined, including factors like size of the company, revenue, profits, operations, etc. The Bolton committee for instance has devised a definition of a small business called the economic definition. The economic definition is a more qualitative definition that emphasizes that a firm is called small when it has a relatively smaller chunk of the total market share of the industry, it is managed by owners in an informal and highly personalized environment and does not have a formal structure and that it is not a part of any large concern or a corporation and operates independently. (Corman, and Lussier, 2008). On the other hand, the European Commission defines a small business quantitatively. They coined a term Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) to refer to a small business. According to the European Commission, a business is a micro-enterprise if it has 0 to 9 employees, it is a small-enterprise if it has 10 to 99 employees and it is a medium-enterprise if it has 100 to 499 employees working under its umbrella. Organizations with employees 500 and above are hence called large-enterprises. Thus, a small business, in its true essence, is basically any firm that has a relatively smaller number of employed workers, has a small concern in the market, has a very informal organizational structure etc., however, at the end of the day, the exact measurement of any business as â€Å"small† is still a very vague concept and experts and analysts have thus been interpreting it differently according to the given situation and the circumstances.

Shoeless Joe by J.D. Salinger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Shoeless Joe by J.D. Salinger - Essay Example Salinger’s interest for games and sports is overwhelming. In the novel, baseball can critically be accounted for in relation to the role played by Salinger (Kinsella 72). The game accounts for the American history, and subsequent evolvement of the game in the American context. This scenario in the case of Salinger is intriguing, in relation to his involvement in the pursuits of the game. He shows special interest in sporting, becoming a primary fan of the game. Salinger’s support for athletes captures the interest of the reader in regard to the highlights made by the novel. Salinger’s social interaction with other people and the society at large is not an outstanding undertaking. The novel outlines his interest for individual autonomy, enjoying individual domain away from public interference (Kinsella 143). The combination of this aspect with his passion and interests leaves so much to be desired, due to the lack of connection that socialization and game pursuits pose. However, Salinger manages his personality and character, as well as his day to day undertakings, to present a wholesome person is less likely to be influenced by parties that he least worries about. Life is highly characterized by dreams, at least as Salinger seems to be believe (Kinsella 168). Dreams constitute the primary activities that Salinger gets engaged in. In other words, his thoughts are highly held and treasured in his life, with or without critical analysis of the inner meaning of the thoughts or even the underlying dreams for that matter. Amid this dream concept and pursuit in Salinger’s life the concept of aging at a personal level is introduced. Aging comes with the lesson that individual efforts can beat advancing age to revitalize personal efforts through persistently enhancing personal creativity. Another interesting item about Salinger is how magic and related acts are captured through the author. He believes in the occurrence of supernatural happeni ngs or the existence of extraordinary forces that act on an individual from time to time. Salinger does not consider his life to be perfect one in an American context, but it is rather better compared to many other places beyond America. The extraordinary forces that Salinger believes in depict scenarios of at time happenings that befall an individual in the pursuit of their daily interests. Magic is part and parcel of Salinger’s life, meaning that he believes in supernatural occurrences, and does not mind experiencing them from time to time. This realization as provided for by the novel is a critical learned aspect of Salinger. The general life of Salinger is rather a complicated one. Starting from his character in the novel to the real life scenario that the novel poses, Salinger has a sophisticated personality. While this aspect is not hard to come by in many individuals around the world, its representation in the novel and the actual life that Salinger leads makes it an i nteresting aspect in relation to what one can learn about Salinger from the novel. He makes moves when least expected to do so. On the same note, when there is an intention to please him, the outcome depicts the opposite. The predictability of an individual following critical analysis of his or her personality aids a crucial determination of how to handle the person in question.

Development of Ancient Greek Burial Customs Essay

Development of Ancient Greek Burial Customs - Essay Example While certain cultures developed deep veneration such as worshipping one’s ancestors, other cultures developed more simple attitudes such as leaving the dead to the mercy of the elements. In this sense, the burial rites and their evolution in ancient Greece was of importance since Greece is considered as the pinnacle of the earliest ancient civilizations. Burial rites underwent major transformations in ancient Greece as the civilization moved from one period to another. The practices revolved around inhumation, cremation, leaving offerings, buildings graves and tombs. Various periods had various characteristics that defined burial rites. This paper will explore the various ideas and attitudes in regards to Greek burial rites, rituals and customs that evolved over the years. The practice of burying the dead existed in ancient Greece early on and there were little changes in the basic practices. The earliest burials in Greece can be traced back to the Mycenaean period. The Mycen aean culture tended to bury the dead along with his possessions and there is some evidence to indicate that graves were being reused. The Mycenaean burial tradition is special since a connection to the dead person was always maintained. Graves typically had an altar and a funnel like structure that extended into the grave. These funnels were used to pour libations into the graves (Stevanovic 40). Inhumation was the dominant practice but there is evidence to suggest cremation as well. The dead were cremated so that their souls could leave the body easily and immediately. In addition, cremation was carried out so that the ghost of the dead would not disturb the relatives. The cremated remains were typically entrusted to an amphora that was then buried as a regular body would be buried. This method of burial was practiced just before the Bronze Age. Greek burial practices differed widely from previous ones in the Bronze Age. Previously both adults and children had been cremated or had been alternatively buried as per the dominant cultural trend. However, in the Bronze age it was common that the adults would be cremated while the children would be buried. The only common feature in these burials was that both were inhumed either in pit graves or in chamber tombs as per social status. It was typically to bury items of personal possession as well as items related to daily use. An exploration of graves and tombs from the Bronze Age in Greece has revealed that burial areas contained utensils, cooking pots, oil flasks, jewelry and in a few cases weapons. It is believed that the weapons have been removed from the graves of adult warriors. In certain cases, offerings of food and drinks were also buried with the dead, perhaps with the view that the dead may require this for his journey into the afterlife. It must be noted that graves from this period did not contain the funnel like structures from the previous periods and libation into the grave was not possible. Addition ally, since the buried person was already cremated, there was little possibility that libation could be poured into the amphora. As the Greek civilization progressed from simple religious structures to more complicated ones, the manner of burial evolved with it. Compared to the earliest times, the Greeks had begun to distinguish between adults and childr

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Six-Step Process of Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring Research Paper

Six-Step Process of Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring process - Research Paper Example Healthcare managers have to deal with rising number of complex ethical predicaments in organizations. Independently they are unable to take ethical decisions in the absence of well-documented and communicated organizational decision-making outline. It is, therefore, important for the healthcare organizations to design, develop, and implement necessary policies, procedures and guidelines to help their staff in arriving at ethical decision-making in their routines. With these mechanisms and frameworks, the organizations are able to effective take sound ethical decisions regarding their companies. This report as such delves briefly into ethical decision making as carried out by various companies with special emphasis on 6-step ethical decision making process as outlined by Purtillo and Doherty (2009) in health care environment. Step 1: Gather Relevant Information The first step in ethical decision-making process is the explicit, relevant data of the ethical issues that generally occurs as a result of insufficient information or evidence, and disagreements concerning the facts. Hence, this step facilitates many disagreements and assists in initiating a successful procedure. It should start by inquiring about the ethical issue that has been in hand (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Medical Indications Issues: The patient’s health care problem, its diagnosis and prognosis. Its criticalness, continuance, emergency and reversibility. The objectives of treatment and intervention for patients’. The chances of success for the patients’ population. The plans in view of therapeutic collapse for the patients’ population. The advantages of the treatments and its optimization. The dangers of the treatments and interventions and ways of minimizing these risks (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Patient Preferences Issues: The patients’ preferences re-treatment and interventions. The patients’ evaluation of quality of life with and without treatments and interventions. The patient's approval whether voluntary or involuntary. Whether patients are children, have their abilities to accept been identified. Whether patients expressed their wishes in writing, verbally etc. Whether patients are reluctant or incapable to deal with treatments and interventions, if so, the reasons. Whether patients’ decision to choose being appreciated considering ethics and law (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Evidence issues: The standards of practice. The availability of type of data to inform decisions. The research outcomes and studies are available to notify decisions (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Contextual Features Issues: Families affecting decisions regarding the treatments and interventions. Religious and cultural factors. The existence of health providers and administrator prejudices that might impact decisions concerning quality of life. The involvement of clinical researches and teaching. The existence of relevant legislations. The existence of confidentiality matters and its limitations. The financial implications concerning the decision making. Whether organizational rules concerns the decision making. Whether there exists conflict of interest on the part of the health care providers or within institutions. The targets, goals, principles, and strategic directions of the healthcare companies (Purtillo & Doher

Business research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business report - Research Paper Example However, upon completion of the survey process and subsequent data screening, responses provided by 438 participants were considered and the rest were omitted. The reason behind the omission was particularly because some of the surveys were incomplete, some responses were biased and error existed in the rest (Mukherji & Albon, 2009; Saunders, Lewis & Thornhil, 2009). The data has been presented both in the form of descriptive. Application of these methodologies enabled the researcher to describe the major aspects of a set of data quantitatively (Somekh & Lewin, 2004; Spradley, 1979). The ultimate aim was to abridge a sample of data quantitatively with the application of any probabilistic model The first and foremost objective is to determine who are using the park and what the purposes behind that are. In order to achieve this objective, the researcher had to analyze question 1 through to question 4. The first question involved investigation of the main reasons that prompted people to visit the park. It is evident from figure 1 given below that 31.28% of the respondents visit the parks in order to exercise. According to 20.32% of the respondents, walking the dog is the major reason behind their visit to the park. 17.35% of the respondents visited the park in order to accompany their children to the playground. 7.99 % of the respondents visit the park in order to engage themselves in organized sports activities. Sitting/relaxing/socializing is the reason behind visiting parks for 12.79% of the respondents. Among the other major reasons that prompt people to visit their nearby park is to organize family barbecue parties or to fly aero plane models. Given the fact that, majo rity of the sample population visits the park in order to exercise, it provides an excellent premise for the researcher to conduct an in-depth analysis of their attitudes and perceptions towards outdoor exercise equipment positioned along the walk paths. As far as the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Six-Step Process of Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring Research Paper

Six-Step Process of Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring process - Research Paper Example Healthcare managers have to deal with rising number of complex ethical predicaments in organizations. Independently they are unable to take ethical decisions in the absence of well-documented and communicated organizational decision-making outline. It is, therefore, important for the healthcare organizations to design, develop, and implement necessary policies, procedures and guidelines to help their staff in arriving at ethical decision-making in their routines. With these mechanisms and frameworks, the organizations are able to effective take sound ethical decisions regarding their companies. This report as such delves briefly into ethical decision making as carried out by various companies with special emphasis on 6-step ethical decision making process as outlined by Purtillo and Doherty (2009) in health care environment. Step 1: Gather Relevant Information The first step in ethical decision-making process is the explicit, relevant data of the ethical issues that generally occurs as a result of insufficient information or evidence, and disagreements concerning the facts. Hence, this step facilitates many disagreements and assists in initiating a successful procedure. It should start by inquiring about the ethical issue that has been in hand (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Medical Indications Issues: The patient’s health care problem, its diagnosis and prognosis. Its criticalness, continuance, emergency and reversibility. The objectives of treatment and intervention for patients’. The chances of success for the patients’ population. The plans in view of therapeutic collapse for the patients’ population. The advantages of the treatments and its optimization. The dangers of the treatments and interventions and ways of minimizing these risks (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Patient Preferences Issues: The patients’ preferences re-treatment and interventions. The patients’ evaluation of quality of life with and without treatments and interventions. The patient's approval whether voluntary or involuntary. Whether patients are children, have their abilities to accept been identified. Whether patients expressed their wishes in writing, verbally etc. Whether patients are reluctant or incapable to deal with treatments and interventions, if so, the reasons. Whether patients’ decision to choose being appreciated considering ethics and law (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Evidence issues: The standards of practice. The availability of type of data to inform decisions. The research outcomes and studies are available to notify decisions (Purtillo & Doherty, 2009). Contextual Features Issues: Families affecting decisions regarding the treatments and interventions. Religious and cultural factors. The existence of health providers and administrator prejudices that might impact decisions concerning quality of life. The involvement of clinical researches and teaching. The existence of relevant legislations. The existence of confidentiality matters and its limitations. The financial implications concerning the decision making. Whether organizational rules concerns the decision making. Whether there exists conflict of interest on the part of the health care providers or within institutions. The targets, goals, principles, and strategic directions of the healthcare companies (Purtillo & Doher

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Does Urban Crime Increase When or Where Racial Residential Segregation Research Paper

Does Urban Crime Increase When or Where Racial Residential Segregation Exist - Research Paper Example Racial residential segregation has been a cause of grave concern for policymakers and researchers alike, primarily because of its association with racial inequality and disparity. After undertaking a comparative analysis and assessment of data from 1980, 1990 and 2000, the research paper validates the findings of prior literature by stating that there exists a strong correlation between racial residential segregation and urban crime, additionally, the paper also assesses trends in racial residential segregation and crime for the period of 1980 to 2000. Types of crime such as homicide, assault, theft and robbery are also assessed with regards to their relation with racial segregation. In conclusion the literature cited in the paper is evaluated and the causes behind the positive correlation between racial segregation and urban crime such as poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, the role of dominant subcultures and unavailability of welfare services to black communities and neighborhoods are also discussed. 1. Introduction An assessment of the crime rates in America from the latter half of the 1980s to the early years of the 1990s is reflective of a decline in crime in the United States (Blumstein and Wallman 1) that is also observable from the statistics that have been collected in the past decade (Bjerk 2). Regardless of these considerations however, violence and crime in America has been a topic of extensive public debate and a highly significant issue because of the critical role that it plays in shaping the face of crime in America. According to the data provided in the Handbook of Crime the existence of factors related to race and racial determinants are eminent in the statistics that have been collected by official agencies across the United States, these statistics have been able to uncover two important observations with regards to crime and race which state that the crime rates for the African American population are reportedly higher in comparison with me mbers of the population that are white, while, victimization reports have also stated a greater percentage of African Americans victims of crime (Ellis, Beaver and Wright 224). Several scholars and researchers have presented a range of theoretical postulations and explanations behind the consistent observations which point towards a substantial divide in the experience of crime shared by members of various racial groups. The scope of this paper however, is directed towards examining the role of racial residential segregation on the topic of race and crime. According to Beaulieu and Continelli, the adverse impact of racial residential segregation on black communities has been widely documented in several researches and literature, however, a hypothesis that has not been tested thus far suggests whether the effects of racial residential segregation are reversed with regards to white communities (488). This paper aims to address the question of urban crime and racial residential segreg ation by undertaking necessary research and evaluations of empirical data to determine whether urban crime increases when or where racial segregation exists. For the purposes of attending to the topic under research in an objective, effective and extensive manner, the paper utilizes the literature presented by Ellis, Beaver and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Alienation In The Metamorphosis English Literature Essay

Alienation In The Metamorphosis English Literature Essay The Metamorphosis is a story written by Franz Kafka that was published in 1915. Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning and finds that he has transformed from a human to an insect. He immediately worries about how he will get to his job as a traveling salesman. His family depends on him financially. One Gregor finally decides to show himself, he sends the family into shock. Throughout the story, this requires the rest of the family to get jobs and work. He slowly starts to become unnoticed by his family. He eventually gets so depressed that he finally dies one night in his room. After Gregor died, it seems that a great weight had been lifted from the family. The family only seemed to mourn for a few moments. They soon take a trolley to countryside and their thoughts are already happy. There are many ways that this story can be analyzed. Alienation is a theme in Kafkas The Metamorphosis. At a young age, Gregor finds that he is responsible for the support of his family and cannot for the life of him see a way out of his situation. He is forced to forgo a love relationship where he could find intimacy with another human and perhaps father children to his lonely life. Night after night, he travels from one lonely hotel room to another, selling textiles. When he is at home, he locks himself into his bedroom, a habit he says he developed while traveling, but you can see this as his need to alienate himself even more from his family. His room has three doors, with a family member outside each urging him to get up and go to work so they can continue to live a nice lifestyle. Gregors solution to his dilemma is to metamorphose into a gigantic insect. However, this alienates him from his family even more. Gregor is overburdened by guilt and I think that is what finally killed him. After he awakes one morning to find he has bee n transformed into a gigantic insect, he shows little concern for himself. Instead, he agonizes about what will happen to his family now that he cannot get up to go to work. In addition, he is concerned about his boss will react. Despite having sacrificed his life for his family, he expects nothing in return and feels guilty that Grete is now forced to bring him food. His guilt about his appearance forces him under the couch so she wont have to looking at him. I also think he feels guilt that now his father will have to get a job instead of sitting around all day being lazy, along with the rest of his family. He also feels guilt that his mother has to sew to make money, and guilt that Grete has to work in a shop. In the end, when he is rejected by Grete for interfering during her concert, Gregors guilt forces him back into his filthy room to die alone so his family can get on with their lives. A lot of people like to compare this guilt to Kafkaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s gui lt in his own life. He felt alienated because he spoke German but lived in Prague, a Czech city. He was Jewish, yet lived among people who looked down upon Jews. Since he doubted the existence of God, he felt alienated from his own people. He lived with his family, but felt isolated because he despised his father. Overburdened, he found no satisfaction in his job in the insurance industry, wanting only a life of literature. He felt like a failure in the eyes of his father who held him to very high standards. It is generally agreed, however, that the story portrays a world that is hostile, much like Kafkaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s own life. The second time Gregor makes an appearance, his father gives him a permanent injury by throwing an apple into his back. For a father to throw apples at his own son, proves that Gregor is no longer being treated or thought of as their son, but more as a wild beast. Resulting from this incident, his family begins neglecting Gregor by not cleaning up the room or even feeding him. The last and final time Gregor makes an appearance; his family is disgusted and loathes his presence. They slam the door behind him, not realizing his condition, and he takes his last breath shortly thereafter. If escape from his predicament is impossible, then Kafka, with his metamorphosis, provides an impossible escape. By becoming an insect, Gregor gains both his freedom and the right to avoid guilt, since his freedom is forced on him. Maybe this transformation happened randomly on its own, or maybe Gregor willed it on himself. What matters is that this transformation is the only escape from the trap that Gr egor is caught in. And, since the trap is primarily a psychological one, the escape is physical. Gregor is changed into an insect. This metamorphosis seems to end his conflict.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

When thought of acid rain, some people may think of green, burning acid falling from the sky, destroying everything in sight. This may be a bit ridiculous and hard to believe, but as absurd as it sound, it is not far from the truth. Acid deposition has long been a subject of debate because of the widespread environ-mental damage it is responsible for. As one of the major results of air pollution, acid rain can corrode metal and limestone structures, leach important minerals, decreased fertility of soils, and lower pH in lakes and ponds. For those who fear "the end of the world," acid rain may pose a threat as it creates a bad environment for both animal and human. And for those who care about our planet, maybe it is about time we stop destroying it and give something back to Mother Earth. There are numerous causes of acid precipitation, several of these are insignificant and accumulate into severe cases. However, there are also some sources that are menacing by itself, sources such as industrial emissions. In some cases, acid rain is caused when industrial fumes mix with moisture in the atmosphere. Acids are then carried in clouds for long distances before they are deposited through rain, which indicates that forests and lakes far away from factories may be damaged by acid rain. Another significant cause of acid rain is automobile exhaust. Research has shown that although industrial emission makes up for most causes, sulfur dioxide from oil and coal combustion and nitrogen oxides produced from automobile engines have greatly intensified the problem. Electric power plants are also to blame for this issue. Recent study has shown that power plants are accountable for the release of more than 20 million tons of sulfur Per. 3 dioxide each year. Meaning that 10 years from now, there would be around 30 million tons of acid rain components in our atmosphere. What's even worst than acid rain and its causes are the results. Acid deposition can cause a number of disasters, some of the serious effects includes structure eradication. The marble frieze panels on the Parthenon of Athens for example, has been transformed by acid rain into gypsum. Loosing much of its details, the exterior of the Parthenon is also beginning to crack and flake off. The effects of acid rain can also be seen in lakes, rivers, and streams and plant growth.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Quest for The Dream in Black Girl Lost and Makes Me Wanna Holler :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Quest for "The Dream" in Black Girl Lost and Makes Me Wanna Holler      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Donald Goines Black Girl Lost (1973) and Nathan McCall's Makes Me Wanna Holler (1994) are two works written by male authors who have first hand knowledge about the African American experience. A difference between the two works is that McCalls story is an autobiography of his life growing up in the streets/ghetto and Goines is a fictional story about growing up in the streets/ghetto, but from a young black female perspective. Although Goines Black Girl Lost is not an autobiography, he and McCall share similar struggles and hardships in their backgrounds that give them the motivation to write about the black experience. Both authors have been praised for the "realism" in their writing (Lamb 1997,OCAAL 1997). Goines has been specifically recognized by critic Greg Goode, for his "ghetto realism" w/o glamorization (OCAAL 1997).    Black Girl Lost (Goines 1973) and Makes Me Wanna Holler (McCall 1994), both give a voice to the African American minority. The African American and minority themes: "The Dream" and "Choice / Self Determination" are very significant in the two texts. The right choices have to be made and one must continue to have self- determination in order to reach "The Dream". In the two texts, both characters make plenty of good and bad choices and continuously try to have self- determination in order to achieve "The Dream", but their choices and determination led the characters to very different places. There are three variables that may not cause, but can contribute to the African American not being able to achieve "The Dream" by causing conflict in their choices and self- determination. The three variables are: family and friend environments, individual needs and anxieties, and low motivation among minority members. Some of the variables are causes and consequences of prejudice & discrimination (Marger 1997).    The environment that people are surrounded by can have an enormous effect on their actions or circumstances that they are in. Therefore, the first variable to compare and contrast in the two texts is the Family and Friends Environment. In Black Girl Lost (1973), Goines has his main character, Sandra, being the only child of a single parent home were her mother is constantly drinking, entertaining different men, partying and never taking the responsibility for herself or her daughter. They hardly ever eat or have any money.

Friday, October 11, 2019


PAST YEAR QUESTIONS PAPER 2: Southeast Asian History (9731/02) Section A: Source-Based Questions - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2007] [2008] [2009] [2010] [2011] [2012] Success and failure of ASEAN in the early years ASEAN and the Financial Crisis of 1997 The formation of ASEAN Vietnam’s membership of ASEAN ASEAN’s strengths and weaknesses Reasons for the formation of ASEAN Section B: Essay Questions 1. How Independence Was Achieved 1A. Pre-War Nationalism - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2007] ‘Before 1941, little had been achieved by nationalist movements across SEA.’ Discuss. Achievements of nationalists [2008] ’Ideology was more important than religion and culture for the growth of nationalist movements in the period before WWII.’ How far do you agree? Reasons for nationalism [2009] Assess the view that the rise of nationalist movements, before, WWII, was a reaction by the governed to economic exploitation. Reasons for nationalism [2010] How effectively did colonial governments deal with the challenge of nationalist movements in Southeast Asia in the period before WWII? Colonial strategies [2011] Assess the progress made by SEA nationalist movements in the period prior to WWII. Achievements of nationalists [2012] ‘The measures taken by colonial governments in SEA before WWII merely postponed the eventual success of nationalist movements.’ How far do you agree? Colonial strategies 1B. Japanese Occupation/ Post-War Nationalism - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2007] Did the USA help or hinder the cause of nationalist movements in SEA in the period following WWII? International support for decolonisation [2008] How far was the process of decolonization affected by the Cold War? International circumstances for decolonisation [2009] To what extent was the Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia, during WWII, the turning point in the development of nationalist movements? Jap Occ as turning point – helped/ hindered nationalists? icedvovos Page 1 26/11/12 - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2010] Which method was the most effective in the struggle for independence in the years from 1945: collaboration or resistance? Decolonisation strategies [2011] ‘Nationalist movements in SEA had high quality leadership.’ How far does this explain the end of colonial rule? Role of nationalists in decolonization (mass support, allaying fears, military leadership) [2012] Assess the view that resistance to the Japanese Occupation had the greatest impact on the nationalist movements in SEA. Resistance vs. collaboration 2. Challenges To Independent SEA States 2A. Political Structures - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2007] How successful were attempts to establish democracy in the newly independent states of Southeast Asia? Success of democratic governments [2008] ‘Democratic government is not suited to Southeast Asia.’ Discuss with reference to the newly independent states of Southeast Asia. Success/ failure of democratic governments [2009] How significant was the Communist influence on the politics of Southeast Asian states since independence? Influence of communism [2011] How democratic have Southeast Asian governments been since independence? Measures of democracy [2012] Why have levels of military intervention in politics been higher in some states than others in SEA since independence? Reasons for military intervention 2B. Economic Development - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2007] Assess the causes of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis Causes of AFC [2010] To what extent was the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 the result of economic mismanagement by Southeast Asian states? Causes of AFC [2011] How effective has the role of governments been in promoting economic development in independent Southeast Asian states? Effectiveness of government economic strategy [2012] To what extent was the financial crisis in Asia in 1997 the result of currency speculation? Causes of AFC 2C. National Unity - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2008] Assess the view that education was more important than language and religion in helping to create a national identity in newly independent states. Education vs. language and religion [2009] Assess the view that the policies of newly independent states towards minorities have been a major cause of political instability. Effects of minority policies icedvovos Page 2 26/11/12 - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2010] Assess the view that language and religion were more important than multiculturalism in creating national unity in independent Southeast Asian states. Language and religion vs. multiculturalism 3. Regional Conflicts And Cooperation 3A. Inter-state Tensions - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  - ­Ã¢â‚¬  [2007] How successful have Southeast Asian nations been in resolving tensions that have arisen between them? Resolution [2008] ‘Ideology has been the main cause of interstate tensions in Southeast Asia.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Causes [2009] How effectively have newly independent states in Southeast Asia dealt with territorial disputes between them? Resolution [2010] ‘Interstate tensions led to greater unity between independent Southeast Asian states in regional cooperation and security.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Consequences [2011] ‘The most serious causes of interstate tensions in Southeast Asia have been racial and religious in nature.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Causes [2012] How important have territorial disputes been in causing inter-state tensions between SEA states since independence? Causes Untested Areas - ­Ã¢â‚¬  Pre-War Nationalism: Aims of early nationalist movements, nature of movements - ­Ã¢â‚¬  Political Structures: Failure of communism - ­Ã¢â‚¬  Economic Development: Economic challenges encountered and strategies adopted, role of different communities - ­Ã¢â‚¬  National Unity: National symbols, ideology - ­Ã¢â‚¬  Inter-state: Cold War, economic, historical factors icedvovos Page 3 26/11/12

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cherokee Removal Essay

In the early nineteenth century, an infant America was increasing in population and expanding in the South until settlers were faced with the dilemma of the Native Americans. Anglo-Americans had two very distinct stances on how to deal with southern Indian tribes, particularly the Cherokee. One side was eager for land and developed the idea that Indians were both racially and culturally inferior and a hindrance to American progress, while on the other hand, some Americans believed that the Cherokee tribe was a sovereign, independent nation and that moral responsibility required the United States to protect them. Pro-removal Americans rallied behind leaders such as, Andrew Jackson and William Cass. Jackson’s patronizing attitude toward Native Americans was, based on his ideology that Native Americans were children in need of guidance. Jackson also advocated that the removal policy was beneficial to the Indians. Cass believed the Native Americans were unsophisticated and white settlers were racially superior. In his essay, Removal of the Indians, Cass depicts, â€Å"We doubt there is, upon the face of the globe, a more wretched race than the Cherokees, as well as the other southern tribes, present†¦. The Cherokee Removal, pg. 117). † Cass alluded to the underlying racism that piloted the argument for expulsion of the Cherokee. Many white settlers concurred with the belief that Indians were racial inferior and therefore white settlers and Native Americans could not live together. Cass also asserted in the same essay â€Å"A barbarous people, depending for subsistence upon the sanctity and precarious supplies furnished by the chase, cannot live in contact with a civilized community (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 116). Some Americans supported this because they deemed anything different than them as wrong. The pro-removal argument was justified thru the belief that race determined character. For some Anglo-Americans race made Native Americans menial and disposable. Americans against removal united behind the idea that the Native Americans were born on this land and should be left in peace. Jeremiah Evarts under the pen name, William Penn, in A Brief View of the Present Relations between the Government and People of the United States and the Indians within Our  National Limits, said, â€Å"Those Indian tribes and nations, which have remained under their own form of government, upon their own soil, and have never submitted themselves to the government of the whites, have a perfect right to retain their original form of government, or to alter it, according to their own views of convenience and property(The Cherokee Removal, pg. 106). †Evarts’ opposition to removal was based on the fact the Indians were born on the land and therefore it was rightfully theirs. He also pointed out, â€Å"For one hundred and fifty years, innumerable treaties were made between the English colonists and the Indians, upon the basis of the Indians being independent nations, and having a perfect right to their country and their form of government (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 106). † Evarts’ argument was that white settlers legally could not disregard treaties made with Native Americans for hundreds of years. Some Anglo-Americans knew removal of the Cherokee was unconstitutional and to renege on agreements made throughout history was morally incompetent. Catherine Beecher also advocated against Indian removal, writing, â€Å"Nor are we to think of these people only as naked and wandering savages. The various grades of intellect and refinement exist among them as among as (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 112). † Beecher and other Americans opposed removal because they did not believe it was morally righteous to degrade Indians because of race, they considered them people too, and respected the differences in both race and culture. Evarts and Anglo-Americans against removal foresaw the inhumanity of removal, Evarts stated, â€Å"The removal of any nation of Indians from their country by force would be an instance of gross and cruel oppression. (The Cherokee Removal, pg. 107). † Both perspectives on Indian removal had a few commonalities. Some people such as John Knox believed that, â€Å"the central premise of which was that United States Indian policy should make expansion possible without detriment to the Indians (The Cherokee Removal pg. 10). The only consistent agreement however was that the white settlers’ culture and Native American cultures would never successfully co-inhabit. Americans realized that the differences in culture would only continue to cause problems. However the differences was some believed the Indians should be forced west and others believed they should be left in peace. There was an agreement that the Cherokee were uncivilized and to some, even worse not Christian. Again there was another divide on the solution for the primitivism of the Cherokee. Some sought assimilation and of course, removal. In my final analysis, the Cherokee removal argument never reached a consensus, and like most political matters, was won by the most power hungry side. Due to a burgeoning population, racial bigotry, and the lack of centralized government enforcement of the 18th century the Cherokee were forced to leave their homes. The consequence was a forced tumultuous, cross-country walk, where they faced disease, hunger, and fatigue now known as the Trail of Tears. Thousands died, and the removal of the Cherokee had permanent affects on them, as well as all Native Americans.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cultural distance Essay

The concepts related to cultural distance and local linkages are of paramount importance to the strategies adopted by multinational companies, Tjosvold and Leung (2003) noted. These authors note that it is through placing utmost significance on the said concepts that companies would be able to ensure the success of both their international operations (those in situated in the host country) and their domestic operations (based on the home country). Luo (1999) further expounds on the topic at hand. According to this author, it is of paramount importance that a certain company, in the hopes of expanding its global reach, to be able to look into factors that would that would affect their stability in a certain region. Luo (1999) then discussed the need for multinational enterprises that have subsidiaries outside of their home country to scan and interpret the environment in order to make appropriate decisions regarding internal arrangements and external alignment. They must be able to look into the similarities between the culture of the home and host countries which has been considered important in terms of ensuring the development of a tightly knit network between the two (Luo, 1999). Aside from this, it was also maintained that it is through the careful analysis of cultural distance that multinational companies would be able to determine their competitive advantages and reduce their disadvantages that may stem out from the following: (1) their dependence on local settings, (2) their vulnerability to government interference, and (3) their bargaining power with the host government (Luo, 2002). Hence, Luo (1999; 2002), without a doubt, attributed the importance of taking cultural distance and local linkages into consideration in order to ensure the success of multinational corporations that are conducting businesses within an international context. Background of the Study Cultural distance and local linkages, without a doubt then, becomes of paramount importance to expanding businesses that seek to tap markets outside of their own domestic sphere. Understanding the cultural distance existing between the multinational enterprises’ home and host countries are of paramount importance in order to ensure the success of the former and its business initiatives. In this paper, cultural distance is measured based on the model developed by Geert Hofstede which noted that the difference between two countries are more or less affected by the following factors: (1) power distance, (2) uncertainty avoidance, (3) individualism vs. collectivism, and (4) masculinity vs. femininity (Hofstede, 1991). The difference between the countries in relation to the four factors affects the manner by which multinational companies enter into businesses outside of their home country. Brouthers and Brouthers (2001), in fact, look into how cultural distance influences the instances by which affect their modes of entry. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the survival of the business venture may depend on the management of the relationships existing between the home and host countries, thereby making it of paramount importance to the business to take the said factor into consideration (Barkema & Vermeulen, 2009; Hennart & Zeng, 2002). Manev and Stevenson (2001), in line with this, also stated looking into cultural distance may eventually affect the relationships amongst the employees and the management situated in the home countries. The importance of Linkages, on the other hand, lies on its ability to provide business ventures with the competitive advantages needed in order to ensure the success of their businesses, Blomstrom and Kokko (2003) discussed. In general, local linkages refer to the relationships established by multinational relationships with the host country that serve as an anchor to their activities, Chen, Chen and Kyu (2004). The essentiality of the said linkages can also be attributed to the sharing of resources and activities in order to ensure the success of the business enterprise. Hence, local linkages once again reiterate the need for business ventures to look closely into cultural distance. Previous researchers stated the fact that a culturally distant company or corporation may significantly affect the linkages it develops with the host country, thereby threatening the formation of competitive advantage necessary to the success of their businesses. It is in line with the abovementioned discussions that this research shall focus on the manner by which cultural distance affects local linkages which could more or less pose significant implications to the formation of competitive advantages, thereby affecting the expansion of businesses. More specifically, however, this study is directed towards Dutch multinational enterprises. Statement of the Problem Cultural distance, as previously mentioned, can be measured by looking into the four factors that are contained within the model of Hofstede; namely: (1) power distance, (2) uncertainty avoidance, (3) individualism vs. collectivism, and (4) individualism vs. collectivism. In general, the difference between the home and host countries of a certain multinational enterprise tend to affect several aspects of their businesses, including their modes of entry, the manner by which human resources are managed, the development of networks, and most importantly, the relationship existing between the two. Aside from this, the discussions made in the foregoing paragraphs also noted of cultural distance as an important factor that affects the development of local linkages between the multinational enterprise and the host country, which is then important in terms of ensuring their competitive advantage and success in their expansion to a location outside of their traditional place of origin. It is for this reason that this research is devoted to the provision of answers with regard to the main research question: how does cultural distance affect the formation of local linkages, taking into consideration the experiences of Dutch multinational enterprises? To support this, the following research questions are also deemed necessary: Research Questions 1. How does cultural distance significantly affect the development of local linkages? 2. How does cultural distance significantly affect the favorability of factors relating to the local business environment, based on the experience of Dutch multinational enterprises? 3. In what way does cultural distance affect decisions with regard to modes of entry and autonomy of the subsidiaries of Dutch multinational enterprises? 4. To what extent does cultural distance affect the formation of competitive advantages of the Dutch business ventures in host countries? 5. What are the common benefits obtained by the Dutch multinational enterprises with regard to their ability to form successful local linkages? 6. What are the common disadvantages experienced by the business enterprises in relation to their inability to establish successful local linkages? Hypotheses It is in line with the abovementioned research questions and problem statement that the researcher develops the following hypotheses that this study shall either accept or reject, based on the results obtained by the latter: Main Null Hypothesis: Cultural distance does not affect the Dutch multinational enterprises’ establishment of local linkages. Main Alternative Hypothesis: Cultural distance affects the Dutch multinational enterprises’ establishment of local linkages. Null Hypothesis 1: Cultural distance and the establishment of local linkages are not significantly correlated with each other. Alternative Hypothesis 1: Cultural distance and the establishment of local linkages are significantly correlated with each other Null Hypothesis 2: Cultural distance does not significantly affect the favorability of factors relating to local business environment of Dutch Multinational Enterprises. Alternative Hypothesis 2: Cultural distance significantly affects the favorability of factors relating to local business environment of Dutch Multinational Enterprises. Null Hypothesis 3: Cultural distance does not affect decisions of Dutch Multinational Enterprises

ISSUES IN PROMOTIONAL CULTURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ISSUES IN PROMOTIONAL CULTURE - Essay Example ..* In contemporary marketing communications, branding and advertising have come to assume centre stage, a company is no longer defined by the product it creates but the image it projects. The increasing focus on branding and advertising as promotional tools has brought into question the very foundation of marketing practice in general and the use of unethical branding strategies in particular (Clifton, 2009). This shift in attention has allowed companies to emotionally manipulate consumers into purchasing products, which they have, little or no real information about, from your morning coffee to the latest piece of throwaway technology. Brands today are the face of organisations and are strategically modelled to convey a strong message about the company’s values and beliefs as well as attitude towards issues concerning the consumers (Fisher & Vallaster , 2008). They are highly visual symbols which tend to stimulate consumers’ perceptions and influence their buying behaviour. Branding strategies carry a much stronger message and are highly effective means of communication intended to deliver a twofold attack on the consumer; they aim to elevate the product attributes as well as the organisation as a whole (Zaltman, 2002). However the use of unethical branding strategies is likely to affect a brand image, the consumers, and bring into question the ethical foundation of the companies endorsing the product (Hawkins & Mothersbaugh, 2010). Branding strategies must be designed effectively in order to prevent any unethical messages or content that may harm or upset the target group. Over the years various types of branding strategies have emerged which can be categorised as unethical, however despite the outcry companies continue to condone such practices. Some of the most common instances of unethical branding and marketing strategies include shock advertising, use of excessive sexual references and